[b]FROM[/b]: Project Lead [b]TO[/b]: Arma 3 Users [b]INFO[/b]: DLC strategy, Karts release, Scripting commands [b]PRECEDENCE[/b]: Flash [h1]SITUATION[/h1] And then there were [url=http://www.arma3.com/dlc/karts/][b]Karts[/b][/url] ... we can imagine that was quite the surprise! We felt it was important to only release the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSAJdRpqltM]April Fools[/url] content [i]together[/i] with [url=http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/465-roadmap-14-15-dlc-strategy-blog]our blog on [b]Arma 3's downloadable content strategy[/b][/url]. The package really is intended to be a [i]fun[/i] test-bed for this approach, rather than a serious addition to the military sandbox. The charity aspect reinforces this. In terms of the impact this small project has had on the team's workload ... very little. In no way does this affect e.g. programmers working on multiplayer optimization. A lot of the work on Karts' content, in fact, was done outside of normal office hours by a handful of people who had fun doing something slightly different. For example, Senior Artist [i]Martin Valášek[/i] contributed the primary model, created at home to further train his vehicle modeling skills. Project Lead [i]Joris-Jan van 't Land[/i] donned his designer hat once more to create the unforgiving Time Trials - so you have him to blame for the seemingly unbeatable medal times! More in the [url=http://dev.arma3.com/sitrep-00059]full SITREP[/url]