Reaction Forces and Western Sahara Creator DLCs Receive Updates
Author: [BI] LeClair,
published 3 weeks ago,
Third-party Arma 3 developer [url=][b]Rotators Collective[/b][/url] and publisher [url=][b]Bohemia Interactive[/b][/url] have released content updates today for [url=][b]Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces[/b][/url] and [url=][b]Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara[/b][/url].
Reaction Forces Update highlights:
[*] HEMTT Firefighter Truck vehicle variant with functional water cannons
[*] Pickup (RCWS) vehicle variant
[*] Pickup (Rocket) vehicle variant
[*] Pickup MTP (Desert), Digital (Desert), and Tundra camo variants
[*] Tempest (Cargo) vehicle variant
[*] PSRL-1 launcher
[*] HE, HEAT, Frag, and AT rockets for the PSRL-1 and base game RPG7 launcher
[*] Mk26 pistol (Stripes) camo variant
[*] Firefighter Water Reservoir scenery object and gameplay mechanic
[*] Wildfire module now includes a post processing effect to simulate heat when close to the flames
[*] Gendarmerie Tac-Vest variant with holster
[*] Complete engine/rotor sound effects overhaul for the Cougar helicopter
[*] Various fixes and quality-of-life improvements
The [b]version 1.0.2 changelog[/b] can be found on the [url=][b]Bohemia forums[/b][/url].
Western Sahara Update highlights:
[*] The motion sensor inventory item (uses GPS slot)
[*] XMS rifle (Stripes) and (Gray) camo variants
[*] ACO optic (Stripes) camo variant
[*] Tura and SFIA flag 2D markers added to 3den
[*] Various fixes and quality-of-life improvements
The [b]version 1.1.4 changelog[/b] can be found on the [url=][b]Bohemia forums[/b][/url].
[url=][b]Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces[/b][/url] and [url=][b]Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara[/b][/url] are available for purchase on [url=][b]Steam[/b][/url].
Visit [url=][b][/b][/url] or the [url=][b]Rotators Collective Discord Server[/b][/url] to learn more about both CDLCs.
Enjoy the updates!
- Bohemia Interactive and Rotators Collective
[i]Creator DLC is a label for original Arma 3 projects made by third-party developers and published by Bohemia Interactive. It enables external talent to earn a financial reward for their work, while players get to enjoy more quality content. For more information, please visit the [url=][b]Arma 3 website[/b][/url].[/i]