[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2799889/9a2b7839f2b03b59476340a3efd6dd2fd4b6d307.jpg[/img] And the winners in the [b]#Armachinima Awards[/b] are... [list] [*]1st Place (wins a GTX 1080): "[url=https://youtu.be/XSex2K2TAQA]BRASS[/url]" by KinglesPringles [*]2nd Place (wins a GTX 1070): "[url=https://youtu.be/Tv-y6yFMppQ]Miller the Killer[/url]" by McRuppertle [*]3rd Place (wins a GTX 1070): "[url=https://youtu.be/Hoe1i9tLY9Y]The Choice[/url]" by AMVS Russia [/list] https://youtu.be/9eHS5Cmzn5U To watch the winning and nominated videos in their original form, as well as all other entries, be sure to visit our web page at https://arma3.com/armachinima-contest. Now that this contest has reached its finale, we would like to congratulate the winners, and compliment all participants for their splendid work. Also, a big thanks goes out to everyone who showed their support by encouraging the creators and voting for their favorite entries. We are truly grateful and proud to see the determination, creativity, and comradery that drives the Arma community! #o7