[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2799889/29290f95819be8fcb0726c0808a7138199a9fd3c.png[/img] Get ready for the Arma 3 Open Days 2019! Starting this Valentine's Day, Thursday February 14, at [b]18:00 UTC[/b] (check [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20190214T18&p0=1440&msg=Arma+3+Steam+Free+Weekend+%26+Sale+February+14-18&font=sanserif&csz=1]countdown timer[/url]) and ending on Monday February 18 at 18:00 UTC, everyone who has not yet enlisted for Arma 3 will be able to play the [b]complete Arma 3 base game plus Arma 3 Apex expansion[/b] on Steam for [b]FREE[/b]. To get access to the Free Weekend, you'll just need to visit the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/107410/Arma_3/]Arma 3 store page on Steam[/url], and hit the Install button. If the option to Install Arma 3 doesn't show around 18:15 UTC on the first day of the Free Weekend (Thursday February 14), we advise you to restart your Steam client. https://youtu.be/o4g_tF7EOk4 The Free Weekend gives access to everything the Arma 3 base game and Apex expansion have to offer. This includes: 50+ weapons, 30+ vehicles, 4 massive terrains with a combined landmass of 450 km2, a singleplayer and co-op campaign, individual showcase scenarios, a tutorial prologue campaign, training courses, a variety of multiplayer game modes (including the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/arma3/announcements/detail/1710702066830804444]recently introduced Warlords mode[/url]), and the powerful 3D Scenario Editor. Free Weekend participants will be able to carry over all of their save games and Steam Achievements when they decide to purchase the game. Speaking of which, if you wish to continue playing Arma 3 after the Free Weekend, you will be able to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/107410/Arma_3/]purchase the game[/url] at just [b]one third[/b] of its original price throughout the duration of the Free Weekend. The Arma 3 Apex Edition, Arma 3 Apex expansion itself, and all other Arma 3 DLC packs, will also be on [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/dlc/107410/Arma_3/#browse]sale[/url][/b] - with big discounts ranging from a solid 20 to a whopping 66 percent. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2799889/0dd3055e5ba2af1b2fecbbe712ac520be732190e.png[/img] Fun facts: [list] [*]Since its initial version 1.0 release in 2013, Arma 3 has received more than 70 free platform updates, and Arma 3 users have played the game for a total of 650+ million hours, and the average playtime per Arma 3 user is more than 150 hours. [*]Besides its very active player base, Arma 3 also salutes a talented community of content creators, who have already generated a wealth of free content, including the 55,000+ items shared on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=107410]Arma 3 Steam Workshop[/url]. These items contain additional weapons, vehicles, gear, terrains, missions, multiplayer game modes, and much more - all of which will also be freely accessible to Free Weekend players. [/list] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2799889/b2ca90fd2f6f4e967f5c31056f883220aa54150d.png[/img] So, clear out your calendars, and get ready to jump into one of PC's must-have military games. And for those 4,500,000+ Arma 3 players who've already enlisted, be sure to seize this opportunity to invite your family and friends for a free tour of your favorite game. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!