[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/dc7d1b0cb290b9af1dd0028fc896e86fc9799f4a.png[/img] Third-party Arma 3 developer Savage Game Design today released a [b]major content update[/b] today for the [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/]Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire[/url][/b]. Update 1.1 adds a free new 225 km2 terrain, US Navy SEALs, multiple new vehicles, static weapons, weapons, helmets, and more. To celebrate the new release, S.O.G. Prairie Fire will be [b]discounted by 20%[/b] for a limited time on [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/]Steam[/url]. [previewyoutube=ML0cFF9_Q8c;full]https://youtu.be/ML0cFF9_Q8c[/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/ [h3]Update highlights[/h3] [b]New terrain: "Khe Sanh"[/b] This unique new terrain, covering 225 km2, enables you to design and run missions around Quang Tri Province, including some crucially contested locations of the Vietnam War. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/a0f4925700e6a82115e61774f331c3261cbf55a6.jpg[/img] [b]New faction expansion: US Navy SEALs[/b] Play as one of the three primary SEAL groups that operated in Vietnam: MACV-SOG Naval Advisory Detachment, SEAL Teams, and US Navy Underwater Demolitions Teams. The Navy SEAL faction consists of 51 preset soldier loadouts, making use of 9 new uniforms (plus 22 variants), 7 vests, and a diving mask. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/40e534835fe5fbce7d33f1201e654698449d34f4.jpg[/img] [b]5 new vehicles/vehicle variants[/b] [list] [*]4 civilian cars: Bonn, Rodina, Kupe, and Krabice (Van). The Krabice van also comes in a variant with a mounted DP-27 machine gun. [*]The M151 Military Utility Tactical Truck received an additional variant that carries a BGM-71 TOW missile launcher. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/c340c2895d249638c41eebf67b57c2c0aa5e23c6.jpg[/img] [b]4 new static weapons (incl. heavy naval guns)[/b] [list] [*]V11M Twin 37mm cannon (PAVN) [*]Type 56 75mm Recoilless Rifle (PAVN) [*]L/60 Mk3 40mm cannon (US Navy) [*]L/70 Mk2 20mm cannon (US Navy) [/list] [b]9 new weapons/weapon variants[/b] [list] [*]M63a Light Machine Gun [*]M63a Commando [*]MPU 9mm Submachine Gun [*]Mk1 Underwater Defense Gun [*]M1928A1 Tommy Submachine Gun [*]M1A1 Tommy Submachine Gun [*]M1A1 Tommy Shorty [*]M1928 Tommy Submachine Gun [*]Škorpion vz. 61 Machine Pistol [*]Bonus: the XM177 / XM148 model has been completely replaced with a period correct handguard. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/130539d83c454cb580850a4c5c95d731a38a5538.jpg[/img] [b]5 new helmets (plus variants)[/b] To provide more variation within and between factions, you can now also equip soldiers with netted pith helmets, the M56 and SSh40 helmets for PAVN and VC forces, and netted M1 helmets for ARVN soldiers. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/b3bf4c9062279492223360dabe5cc9691724fbf2.jpg[/img] [b]Additional multiplayer scenarios[/b] The "Mike Force" co-op multiplayer game mode is available to play on Khe Sanh (requires Steam Workshop item); plus there are 4 new Zeus multiplayer scenarios for this new terrain. [b]Campaign progress saving[/b] Along with many other improvements, progress saving has been added to the Co-op Campaign while playing in multiplayer solo mode and when playing the singleplayer missions “Temporary Duty” and “The Village.” [b]Various fixes and quality-of-life improvements[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2799889/d8827487c97b0ee8e3a009897505647bbb6287a6.jpg[/img] The [b]version 1.1 changelog[/b] can be found on the [url=https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/234698-sog-prairie-fire-changelog/?do=findComment&comment=3447057/]Bohemia forums[/url]. The new content is further introduced in a recent [b][url=https://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-sog-update-11-preview]OPREP blog post[/url][/b] by developer Savage Game Design. [h3]Sale[/h3] The Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire is available for [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/]purchase on Steam[/url] with a [b]20% discount until October 14[/b]. The DLC’s [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1616620/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire_Soundtrack/]soundtrack[/url] is also on sale during that time at 20% off. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1616620/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire_Soundtrack/ Enjoy the free update and see you in Khe Sanh! - Bohemia Interactive & Savage Game Design [i]Creator DLC is a label for original Arma 3 projects made by third-party developers and published by Bohemia Interactive. It enables external talent to earn a financial reward for their work, while players get to enjoy more quality content. For more information, please visit the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://arma3.com/dlc/creator]Arma 3 website[/url].[/i]