[h1]Hello Survivors![/h1] Welcome to the second edition of the ARK Digest! For those who missed the first, check out the announcement section on the first and be sure to catch up with what you’ve missed! This weekly feature entails information regarding some of the development of ARK, your questions as well as any extra bits of information we want to share! [h1][b]New Features![/b][/h1] [h1]Stomping Out The Competition[/h1] We promised a little something for those of you who were let down by The Stomping Land. We at Studio Wildcard are sympathetic and want to help ease the suffering and tend to the wounds. Join us at your new Dinosaur home! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=446016928 All owners of TSL will automatically receive an exclusive “Stomped Land Bling Shades” cosmetic accessory for riding around in style on their Tyrannosaurus Rex!! [h1]Releasing and Claiming Tamed Creatures[/h1] Something that was recently added to the game is the ability to release and claim tamed species. This is done by walking up to your tamed animal, hitting the menu button and selecting the option to release the creature. Other people in the area are now freely able to claim that creature, thus transferring ownership of the Dinosaur. We’ve introduced this feature to allow survivor to loan and give Dinosaurs to other survivors, as well as hopefully encourage the idea of trading with one another. A particular tribe may only collect certain colored Dinosaurs, so having this feature will definitely help in that regards. Careful though, there’s no guarantee that they’ll trade with you honorably ;). Looking forward to see some survivor run species-trading markets and perhaps some bounties looking for the elusive Red and Black Dodo! [h1]Say hello to some friendly faces ;)[/h1] http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=446030359 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=446031146 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=446047620 [h1]Dino Dossier![/h1] After months of climbing mountains and living above the clouds, a group of Survivors have returned with the knowledge and many stories to share regarding the flying beast, Pteranodon. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=446012213