[h1]Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ????[/h1] [img]https://cdn.survivetheark.com/mystery_transmissions/Mysterious_Transmission7.gif[/img] How perplexing, who can guess what this might be? [h1]Fear Evolved 3 Update[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8729288/68fe3c463ad2251b23b3c80d34d5a23b16e9cee4.jpg[/img] Credit (@ScutalTheLizard) The content from the community from Fear Evolved has been nothing less than amazing!  Due to some early launch issues, we'll be extending the event to November 8th 10AM PDT.  We realize how important these events are for our community and have been monitoring your feedback throughout the way! There is still an update planned to iron out some existing issues with creature spawns. The feedback we receive from this event will be invaluable as we roll into Turkey Trials and Winter Wonderland. [h1]ExtraLife Charity Stream[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8729288/b609ebcd8df1f5d67f4c9737b4ecc2a161c5ee89.jpg[/img] The ExtraLife charity stream this year is going to be a hot one!  In addition to OVER 5K IN GIVEAWAYS, we'll have fun challenges and contests including 'Hot Ones' themed events.  Be sure to stop by for the 24 hours stream and tons of hilarity! Want to hang out during the stream?  No problem!  We've set up a Discord server: ExtraLife Discord Server Invite https://discord.gg/v4YPpEf [h1]On The Horizon[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8729288/9e000cc2fcabeda752842d0157e0ba6ee4168692.jpg[/img] [b]PS4 Primitive+[/b] The engineering team is attempting another patch to address the current issues with Primitive+.  We hope to have more news for you tomorrow! [b]Valguero Transfers[/b] Transfers into Valguero open up tomorrow!  See the details on transfer timelines below: [h1]EVO Event[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8729288/be8af67db3c63d05cfa58a77e3ef37a1966f2671.jpg[/img] There will be no EVO event rates while Fear Evolved event rates are active! Until next time! [b]Twitter:[/b] twitter.com/survivetheark [b]Facebook:[/b] facebook.com/survivetheark [b]Reddit:[/b] reddit.com/r/playark [b]Instagram:[/b] instagram.com/survivetheark [b]Twitch:[/b] twitch.tv/survivetheark [b]Steam:[/b] steamcommunity.com/app/346110 [b]Youtube:[/b] youtube.com/survivetheark