At the PC Gaming Show during E3 2016, Jesse Rapczak and Forest Rapczak of Studio Wildcard announced some upcoming changes to their popular multiplayer dinosaur-based survival game Ark: Survival Evolved. Big changes. Specifically, the biggest dinosaur the game has ever seen.

The aptly named Titanosaur is so big, in fact, that players will be able to build a base on its back, creating a lumbering mobile headquarters and a terrifying war machine. (Presumably, first they'll have to tame the mighty beast, and I can only imagine how big its poops are. They've gotta be massive.) Check out the trailer above, which shows the Titanosaur being used to siege a fortress and crushing small dwellings underfoot.

The Titanosaur will loom into sight later this month, along with a new biome featuring giant redwood trees, complete with Ewok-style tree forts and villages (and at least one actual Ewok, also viewable in the trailer above).

Studio Wildcard also brought two more videos to our show, both featuring mods that are becoming officially integrated into the game.

Above, you can check out Primal Survival, which lets you play Ark as a creature instead of a human. We're not just talking dinos, either: the trailer shows playable bears, sharks, primates, wolves, and even ants. Ants! It's not just a matter of swapping your skin with that of another creature and running around for a bit: you will actually live in the world as that animal. You can hunt, explore, recruit creatures into your pack, mate with them, and have offspring. While you can encounter other players who are also playing as animals, you can only communicate with members of your own species.

There's also a total conversion mod called Primitive+ that heightens the roleplaying aspects of Ark, with a focus on more realistic systems for building, farming, fishing, trapping, cooking, and even the economy. Primitive+ will be integrated into Ark on July 28th.