A cute new megasnail has arrived in Ark: Survival Evolved [official site] and it is useful for… what, would you guess? You’ve got it: Achatina Limusegnis mucus can be used as glue. That’s an easy one. What about the new ceratopsid Pachyrhinosaurus Mitisaura? If you guessed that it emits a calming scent when threatened, you’ve cheated and already looked at the answer you filthy rotter. I do enjoy the weekly routine of guessing what wacky gadgets dinosaurs are turned into with each Ark update. This week’s patch adds four of ’em and also kicks off a Thanksgiving celebration with deadly ‘Super Turkeys’. … [visit site to read more]
Ark marks Thanksgiving with murderturkeys, megasnails
Author: contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor),
published 8 years ago,