Updated a few of the meals at Mawson to ease out the difficulty spike a bit more: [list] [*] Beer is a bit more stable so keeping it upright is easier [*] Ice cubes now cast a shadow directly underneath them. Making it easier to judge where they will be dropped [*] Spaced out the meals just a tiny bit more so the challenges are no longer back to back to back [*] The whales mouth hit box has been enlarged slightly [*] Easy mode actually made beer more difficult. The curved edges made it easier to tip things over, so the base of the easy mode wok was enlarged slightly to account for this [*] Added more light around the soda machine so you stop ignoring all of CDbunker's beautiful modelling work (soda machine will be interactable soon) [/list] Thank you again for all of the feedback so far! We will continue to improve the experience as issues arise!