Hello everyone! In this patch note, we'll be covering some of the changes that happened throughout the game since its release, from 1.0.0 through 1.1.0. [hr][/hr] [h2]Level Design[/h2] After the initial release, we got a lot of feedback from players about certain areas of the game that we've since changed. These include: [list] [*] Made the last level of the Jungle chapter significantly easier and more forgiving. [*] Improved many levels in the Underground chapter, especially near the end. Those levels include:  ▪ The blue flower room before the elevator;  ▪ The second room on the mushroom section of the Fortress;  ▪ The second-to-last room on the blue flower section of the Fortress;  ▪ The key room on the water flower section of the Fortress;  ▪ The second room on the yellow flower section of the Fortress;  ▪ The key room on the green flower section of the Fortress; [*] Improved decorations and visuals of the Fortress in the Underground chapter; [*] Updated the two Easter Egg rooms (if you know, you know). [/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] Included target times for the Underground chapter medals; [*] Fixed a bug where players would get stuck in-between two rooms in the Jungle chapter; [*] Made ice slippery, as was the original intent (but this doesn't affect gameplay much); [*] Added many checkpoints, tweaked many existing ones. Progression should feel more fair; [*] Improved the presentation of fake emeralds in the Easter Egg room (if you know, you know). [/list] [h2]Bugfixes and Optimization[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where players would randomly teleport to the top of certain blocks and platforms, and get stuck inside walls; [*] Fixed some places where players could fall through jumpthrough platforms and die or get stuck; [*] Fixed a room transition issue in the Home (epilogue) chapter. [/list] [hr][/hr] We might have missed a couple of changes – not counting the many tiny tweaks we didn't mention. But if you find anything else, have any feedback, bug reports, or just want to chat, you can reach out to us on our [url=https://discord.gg/ehpFwJESvz]official Discord server[/url]. We're also on [url=https://twitter.com/Gagonfe]Twitter @Gagonfe[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/HugoBDesigner]Twitter @HugoBDesigner[/url]. Thank you for reading this patch note, thank you for playing our game, and thank you for being awesome! Happy Archaeogaming!