
We all know that Apex Legends is easily one of the best battle royale games out there right now, but did you know that Respawn Entertainment is one of the best developers out there, too? Following on from the wholesome revelation from the Apex Legends devs that Vantage's bat Echo is "just too cute" to kill, Horizon voice actress Elle Newlands has revealed that one of the Scottish legends' new skins is actually a tribute to her late cat, Anya. We're not crying, you are.

On August 15, almost a week after the start of Season 14, Newlands took to Twitter to share a screenshot of Horizon's new Anya's Armor epic skin and offer some insight into the meaning of this name - and in part, the skin's design - with her followers and fans of the battle royale.

"Not me crying because [Apex Legends and Respawn Entertainment] honoured my 20-year-old cat who recently passed away with a skin in her memory", Newlands began. "Anya's Armor... Thank you [studio operations director Tim Lewinson] and your good heart."

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