Hello lovely people! The last few weeks we've been focusing on the unit creator and no new units were added but today we finally have a new beast for you to play with. Please welcome the Ogre Lord to the infernals faction! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36435152/7226f9c4ee3a6b52a14f5a70b9c97571e6c3c0cc.png[/img] But this is not all of course. We've also added the following to the unit creator: - Therizinosaurus claws - Herbivore dinosaur bases - Herbivore dinosaur heads - Herbivore dinosaur tails - Modern mammals bases - Modern mammals heads [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36435152/5e78706ad22b57e34914ad9986f6d479a9c61d34.png[/img] We hope you have a great time with these new additions to the game!