Hey Crewmates! Alright so I definitely missed doing an April dev log completely. Shh. Don’t tell anyone. I was busy cleaning out the vents. Before we look at the updates, wanted to let you all know that the Scream cosmetic redemption period is now over! Thanks to everyone who participated! This one is a shorter dev log as we prepare for our big bug crunch and quality of life update. As I mentioned in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/945360/view/3121564363609006624]previous post[/url], this next update isn’t about new content, but on making sure Among Us is given the time and care it needs to function smoothly. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33836086/c5559b7a8ece97fb86ed01a8e2b19234fbb29001.png[/img] We’ve been trying to meet everyone’s demands and add new content constantly. This meant other things have slipped through the cracks so the next update will be all about fixes – big kudos to our producer Kristi for making it all come together. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - thank you so much for sticking with us! We appreciate the patience and encouragement! So far, we have 72(!!!) confirmed bug fixes, we’ll be adding some changes to accounts, and over 30 more things are currently being tested to see if they’ll make it into the update. Confirmed fixes and improvements include things like: [list] [*] Fixing 'Sure is taking a while' Offline error message when launching the game [*] Cosmetic layering issues [*] Rework of the age submission process [*] Added the ability to view the map from the voting screen (no more forgetting where you were, hooray!) [*] Friends List improvements [*] Of course, there’s much more than that, but I’ll give you a full list once the update is out! [/list]There are other fun things happening too, but like always I am sworn to secrecy and must keep it stuffed in a vent until the time comes. Also – we have a new community manager on board! You’ll see Dors writing these dev logs at some point, so make sure you’re nice and friendly and not murder-y when you see him come around. But for now – let's go to Krys for the all- important Bug Zone updates. Cheers, Victoria [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33836086/59fc68eef3530e3f8420e8b11e45aadbb7f0844c.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33836086/ac6426ec0548252afae71ba15a0a3f10390b3db9.png[/img] Greetings and happy spring (or fall, or whatever your earthly time zone deems true), Crewmates! It’s a short Bugdate (get it? Bug Update? No? OK) this dev log, so let’s get right to it: [list] [*] Everyone who submitted a request to Support to have their DLC regranted (and provided proof of purchase) should now have their stuff! If you don’t, please email logs@innersloth.com with a screenshot of your Account ID and your proof of purchase and we’ll take care of that for you ASAP. [*] Since Friends List rolled out, we are aware that some of you have had issues verifying your age so that you can use this feature. It’s important to note that we don’t have a choice when it comes to the age verification requirement – the ~*government*~ needs to make sure that we’re keeping our younger players safe and that they have their parent/guardian’s permission to play! We really appreciate your patience and understanding when it comes to age verification. If you have any issues with [url=https://www.superawesome.com/kids-web-services/]SuperAwesome’s[/url] age verification process, feel free to email us at support@innersloth.com. You can read more about SuperAwesome and our [url=https://www.innersloth.com/privacy-policy/]Privacy Policy[/url] here too. [/list] That’s it for now. Thanks everyone!! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33836086/18eba3b9059a98c3ec79bfa93e94058d2c120f86.png[/img]