[list] [*] Revive Mechanic Update: The revive location has changed from a predetermined spot to a random “safe” location. Reviving is an essential part of gameplay, allowing players to continue after being defeated by enemies. The number of revives is unlimited. [*] Revive Penalty Adjustment: No revive penalty is applied for waves 1 through 5. [*] Bug Fix: Previously, the revive function did not set the collision capsule correctly. This issue has now been fixed. [*] Score Update: Negative scores are no longer calculated. [*] Fireball Damage Adjustment: Fireball damage has been reduced for the first 10 waves to allow for a smoother start. [*] New Enemy Appearance: Phantom robots now appear starting at Wave 3. [*] Miscellaneous Fixes: Minor bug fixes have been implemented for issues found in the Achievements (v0.2.5) and Laser Gun (v0.2.6) updates. [/list]