We’re challenging all the livestreaming Alien invaders to a special competition during PAX Online + EGX Digital! The premise is simple: try to survive the longest in a round of Alien Hominid Invasion, and you could win 100 gifted subscriptions from The Behemoth in your Twitch channel! [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/574972/408e6e9ec723a6d84ec9d03b526cd5d3270d8b7e.png[/img] [url=https://forms.gle/uvxfMh6HswK69oUq8]Sign up for the Alien Hominid Invasion Streamer Survival Challenge RIGHT HERE.[/url] Before you get out invading, there are a few rules you’ll need to brush up on to make sure your contest entries count. Rules: [list] [*] You must play in single-player mode and be set to normal difficulty [*] Your Alien must be level 5 at minimum [*] The attempts must be streamed live on Twitch [*] The winner will be the player that survives for the longest in any stage, except for those noted in the following [*] Attempts can be done on any level, except the ones from first row (A visual example can be seen [url=https://imgur.com/zEEB17P]by clicking here[/url]) [*] You can try and play as much as you want [*] The Behemoth staff will approve all high scores to make sure they are legit. [*] High scores need to be submitted to the additional form that will be delivered to your provided email after you fill this interest form out! [*] The deadline for submission is September 20th at 10:00 AM PDT [/list] If you think you have what it takes to be the top [strike]dog[/strike] Alien, you can sign up using our [url=https://forms.gle/uvxfMh6HswK69oUq8]super fancy streamer challenge form right here[/url]. Once you submit, sit tight and wait for an email to be sent your way! PS – If you’re streaming Alien Hominid Invasion, you might get a surprise visit from Behemoth staff, so keep an eye out! We’ll see you on the mothership!