Wild Blood Wallpaper Now Available!
Author: andreina.gennaro,
published 1 year ago,
The [url=https://albiononline.com/update/wild-blood][b]Wild Blood[/b][/url] update is live, and players are out there tracking monsters, crafting Shapeshifter Staffs, and awakening their weapons. So if you’ve got Wild Blood on your mind, why not decorate your desktop with the [b]official wallpaper[/b], which you can [url=https://albiononline.com/wallpapers][b]download now[/b][/url]!
[url=https://albiononline.com/wallpapers][b]VIEW ALL[/b][/url]
All artwork can be downloaded in 4K format, which fits regular HD and 4K screens and can be cropped to fit a variety of widescreen monitors - simply click on the thumbnail images to expand, then right-click and "Save As".
The collection currently includes:
[list] [*]Content Update Splash Art[/*] [*]City and Biome Loading Screens[/*] [*]Dungeon and Hideout Loading Screens[/*] [*]Factions of Albion[/*] [*]Seasonal Events[/*][/list]
We're regularly adding more wallpapers, so check back often!