Watch the Final Crystal League Championship this Weekend
Author: andreina.gennaro,
published 1 year ago,
This weekend is a significant one for Albion Online, as it sees the staging of the[b] final Crystal League Championship[/b]. But it promises to be a thrilling tournament, as Albion’s 5v5 teams battle for the crown for the last time - and you can watch the drama unfold on [url=][b]AlbionTV[/b][/url]!
From [b]10:00 UTC on Saturday 16 September[/b], hosts [b]Shozen[/b], [b]Lewpac[/b], and [b]Tazzik[/b] will bring you the [b]Albion East[/b] championship. And then from [b]17:00 UTC on Sunday 17 September[/b], you can watch all the action on [b]Albion West[/b]. Along with the prestigious title, teams will be fighting for the very rare [b]Saber Tiger Rex[/b] Swiftclaw skin as well as huge amounts of Gold. With so much to play for the combat will be fierce, so don’t miss the chance to see this tournament for the final time!
[h3]Twitch Drops[/h3]
We’ll also be running Twitch Drop campaigns for the duration of the tournament. Details are as follows:
[b]East CLC[/b]: Drops are active September 16,[b] 10-16 UTC[/b]
[b]West CLC[/b]: Drops are active September 17, [b]17-23 UTC[/b]
On both dates an [b]Epic Community Chest [/b]is available after [b]30 minutes[/b] watchtime[b], [/b]and a [b]Legendary Community Chest[/b] after a [b]further two hours[/b]. Drops will be active only on the [url=][b]albiononline[/b][/url] and [url=][b]mrslovely_ao[/b][/url] channels.
For team breakdowns, rules, and the final schedule, check out [url=][b]this forum post[/b][/url]. We hope you can join us for this momentous occasion, and help give the Crystal League Championship a memorable send-off - see you then!