One of the standout features of the recent Knightfall patch was an all-new dungeon in the Mists - [url=][b]Knightfall Abbey[/b][/url]. Along with beautiful visuals and new gameplay, it also features a stunning new theme song which is now available on [url=][b]all major streaming platforms[/b][/url]. [previewyoutube=MI1bwhEHES8;full][/previewyoutube] The track was composed by Albion’s longtime [b]Senior Audio Designer Marie Havemann[/b], who described the ideas behind it: [i]“The Undead roaming Knightfall Abbey were once humans who lived there, cursed by Merlin's ritual to remain forever trapped, unable to uphold the knightly virtues they once held dear. With the music, we wanted to capture both this tragedy and the feeling of longing that comes with striving for a virtuous life. At the same time, it was important for us to convey a sense of unity among the people who believed in those virtues as well as their flawed nature. To reflect this unified yearning through sound, we combined choir with orchestral instruments and focused on strong melodies. The music alternates between moments of hope and despair, as the Undead could never complete their journey and are trapped in time in Knightfall Abbey, covered in thick layers of dust. The transitions between exploration and combat are fluid, with the musical identity of the place always palpable.”[/i] Listen to the new piece [url=][b]here[/b][/url], and listen to the rest of Albion Online’s soundtrack [url=][b]here[/b][/url]. [h3]Download the Knightfall Wallpaper[/h3] [url=//][img]//[/img][/url] There’s been a new addition to the ever-growing collection of [b]Albion Online Wallpapers[/b], and now you can download the official Knightfall artwork in 4K format. Simply visit [url=][b]this page[/b][/url], click the image to expand, and right-click and "Save As" to download. It fits HD and 4K screens, and can be cropped according to your preferences. And if you ever feel like a change, check out the wide array of other wallpapers available on that page!