[video autoplay="yes" loop="yes" muted="yes" playsinline="yes"]http://assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/dd6b5b7ea4f0263efe332d9355044d1b1049ebfe.mp4[/video] Allhallows is just around the corner, with Albion’s adventurers preparing their scariest outfits and getting ready to cause a fright. And just in time, the horrifying [b]Demonic Warrior Vanity Bundle [/b]is now on sale until [b]October 31 at 10:00 UTC[/b]! This premiere bundle contains a full costume set, along with the infernal [b]Saddled Hellhound Mount Skin [/b]for your [b]Direwolf [/b]base mount. As you approach encased in dark, jagged armor upon the back of this snarling beast, you’re sure to strike terror into the hearts of your foes. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/e45ef30d46fac3910c6ad3c022ee147c48d678dc.jpeg[/img] The Demonic Warrior Bundle includes the following skins, which work on male and female characters alike: [list] [*][b]Demonic Warrior's Helmet[/b][/*] [*][b]Demonic Warrior's Armor[/b][/*] [*][b]Demonic Warrior's Boots[/b][/*] [*][b]Demonic Warrior's Cape[/b][/*] [*][b]Saddled Hellhound [/b]mount skin for your Direwolf base mount[/*][/list](As with past bundles, you can use all costume, weapon, and mount skins with [b]all characters on an account[/b], and they are never lost or destroyed. All items will be unlocked in the ingame "Appearance" menu after purchase.) This offer is available to all players through the new [url=https://albiononline.com/shop/][b]Albion Online Shop[/b][/url], the native client, Steam client, or Google Play. Check out the store now and take advantage of this deal while it lasts!