[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/0b8136ff5d4a8287b2a79b90bb55c3c8ee5ece39.png[/img] It’s Albion’s seventh anniversary, and if you’re wondering what to wear for the occasion, you can get the special [b]Anniversary Paladin Vanity Bundle[/b] for the duration of this year’s celebrations. Until [b]July 30 at 10 UTC[/b], get yourself and your noble Armored Horse the finest [b]royal blue garments[/b] for only $19.95! (Price may vary by platform and region.) The Anniversary Paladin Vanity Bundle contains the following items: [list] [*]Anniversary Paladin's Helmet[/*] [*]Anniversary Paladin's Armor[/*] [*]Anniversary Paladin's Boots[/*] [*]Anniversary Paladin's Cape[/*] [*]Anniversary Paladin’s Warhorse[/*][/list] [video autoplay="yes" loop="yes" muted="yes" playsinline="yes"]https://assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/video_/media/665dd97d4ab9b_720.mp4[/video] This is a limited-time offer, so don't miss out on this chance to celebrate [b]Albion's Anniversary[/b] in style!