The Albion Europe Beta Challenge is Coming
Author: goth_diva,
published 9 months ago,
The [url=][b]Albion Europe[/b][/url] server launches [b]April 29[/b], offering a fresh start on an untouched world, along with optimized game timers and ping for Albion’s players in the Europe and MENA regions. And from [b]April 3 at 11:00 UTC to April 23 at 10:00 UTC[/b] we’ll be running a unique [b]Beta Challenge[/b], with exclusive rewards up for grabs for individuals and guilds alike! Read on for details…
[h3]Exclusive Vanity Rewards[/h3]
The Beta Challenge offers every participant the opportunity to unlock an exclusive, brand-new vanity set: the [b]Duelist[/b]. This full wardrobe set will transform your character into a dashing swordfighter, masterful in close-quarters combat and ready to pounce on your enemies weaknesses. Once unlocked, the Duelist will be available to all characters on your account, [b]on any server[/b].
Performing open-world activities will grant players challenge points, and as you earn more of these points you can use them to unlock each of the vanity items. And in addition, Albion Europe Founder Pack owners will be able to unlock a matching mount skin: the [b]Duelist’s Lynx[/b]!
The milestones for each item are as follows
[list] [*][b]25,000 points[/b]: Duelist’s Boots[/*] [*][b]50,000 points[/b]: Duelist’s Cape[/*] [*][b]75,000 points[/b]: Duelist’s Hat[/*] [*][b]100,000 points[/b]: Duelist’s Armor[/*] [*][b]100,000 points[/b] and [b]Founder Status[/b]: Duelist’s Lynx[/*][/list]
[h3]The Beta Season[/h3]
There will also be a one-off [b]Beta Guild Season[/b] running for the duration of the Albion Europe Beta, with more unique rewards up for grabs for guilds:
[list] [*][b]Custom Guild Logos[/b]: The five guilds with the highest ranking at the end of the season will each get a unique custom guild logo, created in collaboration with our art team. These logos will be added to the game after the beta, and become permanently available to guilds on all servers.[/*] [*][b]Custom Season Statue[/b]: The season’s top ranking guild will also get their own unique custom guild statue, which will be permanently placed in the open world for all to see.[/*][/list]