[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/8f07be51271a2f21014474d04d2e6bd18e9ce321.jpeg[/img] We are excited to announce the launch of a new version of Albion’s [b]Round Table[/b]! This is going to be open to more players than ever before, while still sticking to our original vision of giving our most experienced and well-accomplished players a way to share their knowledge. [h3]What is the Round Table?[/h3] At its core, the Round Table is a place for discussion and feedback about the game and its various types of content, where experienced and knowledgeable players come together in a constructive dialogue. The feedback gathered is then forwarded directly to our developers, giving them the opportunity to hear the joys and pains of gameplay first-hand. With this rework, we’re looking to include experts in as many different playstyles and features as possible. [b]Applications are now open[/b]! The new iteration starts with the next Guild Season. We are looking for people who: [list] [*][b]Specialize[/b] in specific aspects of the game[/*] [*]Have [b]long-term experience[/b] in the game[/*] [*]Are [b]motivated[/b] to help improve the game in every way possible[/*] [*]Can write [b]feedback[/b] in a polite and constructive way[/*][/list]If this describes you, please head over to [url=https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/186001][b]this Forum post[/b][/url] for more details. We look forward to seeing you there!