We've rolled out numerous patches since last month's [url=https://albiononline.com/en/update/Queen][b]Queen update[/b][/url] - and this week is no exception! Today's patch brings a wide range of visual, audio, and environmental updates, covering everything from Avalonians and Elite Dungeons to various UI and quality-of-life improvements. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/daa29bf28aa2052f30441cf10531757e41ae858d.jpeg[/img] [h3]Caerleon Realmgate Statue Unveiled[/h3] First and foremost, though, there's a [b]new statue[/b] at the former site of the Caerleon Realmgate. It honors Avalonian Invasion season winners [b]Error404, Black Order [/b]and [b]RAQ[/b], as well as all those who worked tirelessly to prevent the Avalonian takeover of the Royal Continent. Stop by and pay your respects! You can read more about the history and lore of the Avalonians [url=https://albiononline.com/en/news/meet-the-avalonians][b]here[/b][/url]. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/f6499bd5ae9f3af05a8b5d445b01766723099021.jpeg[/img] [h3]Elite Dungeon Makeover + Other Fixes[/h3] Apart from the new statue, this patch brings numerous improvements and fixes to a wide range of gameplay features. Foremost among these are [b]improvements to Avalonian enemies, dungeons, and armor[/b]. Here's just a small selection of what's changed: [list] [*]Appearance of Avalonian armor now changes based on tier[/*] [*]Overall polishing and improvement of Elite Dungeon environments[/*] [*]Clearer Avalonian enemy spell and spell area effects [/*] [*]Improved audio for Avalonian enemies and Elite Dungeons[/*] [*]Improved minimaps for all major cities, including their banks, Marketplaces, and Conquerors' Halls[/*] [*]Extensive streamlining and improvement of loot, guild, combat area, and island move UIs[/*][/list] You can read the full list of changes on the [url=https://albiononline.com/en/changelog/QUEEN%20PATCH%204][b]official patchnotes page[/b][/url]. We'll be deploying additional patches in the coming weeks to bring even more improvements and fixes to the game. As always, we welcome your feedback on [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/albiononline][b]Discord[/b][/url] or our [url=https://forum.albiononline.com/][b]forums[/b][/url]!