Queen Patch 14 is Here
Author: iancurtismayfield,
published 4 years ago,
As our Game Director discussed in our latest [url=https://albiononline.com/en/news/development-progress-update][b]video[/b][/url], while we've been hard at work preparing new features, we've also been supporting and enriching the current [b]Queen Update[/b]. Today' patch brings further adjustments and refinements to the [b]Smart Cluster Queue[/b] system introduced with Queen, closing a loophole that allowed large armies to lock out smaller ones, alongside other fixes and improvements.
[h3]Smart Cluster Queue Adjustments[/h3][list] [*][b]Queue Removal Protection status[/b]: players removed from a zone now receive a protected status that allows them to wait for one queue cycle[/*] [*][b]Early Retreat Debuff[/b]: players who enter via the queue and immediately leave now cannot re-queue for 10 minutes[/*] [*][b]Queue Cycle Time[/b]: increased from 90 to 120 seconds[/*][/list]
These changes are designed to better balance armies of different sizes, and to more effectively implement the goals of this system. For a more in-depth discussion of these changes, please [url=https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/131458][b]see[/b] [b]this forum post[/b][/url].
[h3]Mobile Improvements and Fixes[/h3]
Patch 14 brings further improvements and fixes for mobile, including the ability to [b]drag-paste items into chat[/b] and fixes for [b]drag-context menus and spell tooltips[/b]. The game now has more mobile players than ever, and over the coming months we will continue to improve the overall mobile experience in Albion Online. If you have feedback about the mobile version, or just want to keep up on news and announcements, check out the [url=https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Board/138-Mobile-Version/][b]Mobile Forum[/b][/url].
As always, for a full list of changes and fixes, check out the [url=https://albiononline.com/en/changelog/QUEEN%20PATCH%2014][b]official patchnotes[/b][/url].