[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/e51fb2f8ee38acfdea10abf16dc950f667f24aac.png[/img] The [b]Frost Challenge[/b] has stormed into Albion, plunging the land into a deep winter slumber. But it's time to stop counting sheep in your sleep and claim the [b]Frost Ram[/b] instead! Take the reins and let its horns ram enemies aside as it leaps undaunted through icy perils. Brave the frosty wilderness to earn Challenge Points, and charge into baaa-ttle with this woolly champion before winter thaws! [h3]Frost-Themed Rewards for Intrepid Adventurers[/h3] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/f910e0d55dd57fbe2ef6ca625aa1b1b8a9f9e8cc.png[/img] [b]FROST RAM:[/b] This month's Challenge brings back the popular [b]Frost Ram[/b], a sturdy mount with an impressive leap spell. With its relatively fast move speed and ability to carry plenty of weight, it's the perfect companion for gathering missions. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/b81af17ba41ed8b868c2bdf8322f9e6af4b7be86.png[/img] [b]AVATAR RING:[/b] Along with the Frost Ram, you can unlock the [b]Frost Challenge Avatar Ring[/b] to give your avatar an ice-cold aura all year long. This non-tradable item permanently unlocks this avatar border for one character, or it can be traded for one [b]Adventurer's Token[/b] at the Vanity Merchant. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/ee96535737e93e2de301f3612d876986429ec635.png[/img] [b]SEASONAL SPECIALS:[/b] All month, unlock Frost Challenge chests to get valuable rewards like Adventurer's Tomes and Silver bags, along with furniture items like the [b]Snowman[/b] and [b]Snowball Pile[/b], classic [b]ice sculptures[/b], the epic [b]Frost Igloo[/b], and a rare chance for the [b]Rich Noble[/b] vanity skins. [video autoplay="yes" loop="yes" muted="yes"]https://assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/video_/media/67596717a19e4_720.mp4[/video] [h3]How to participate in the Adventurer's Challenge[/h3] The [b]Adventurer's Challenge[/b] is a monthly event where you can earn [b]exclusive rewards[/b] such as mounts, Tomes of Insight, bags of Silver, and more. By [b]gathering, fishing, farming, [/b]and[b] defeating monsters, [/b]you'll earn [b]Challenge Points[/b] that fill daily, weekly, and monthly progress bars. To track your progress, open the Adventurer's Challenge UI by clicking on the [b]Activities menu[/b]. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/bbe632b8c242dd9526c11b8d54741acce88fee5a.png[/img] While only [b]Premium[/b] players can unlock the [b]Monthly Rewards [/b](Avatar Ring, Mount) and [b]Weekly Rewards[/b] (Challenge Chests), anyone can claim the [b]Daily Rewards[/b], which include 10 Learning Points and a Tier 4 Tome of Insight. Non-Premium players also make progress on all reward tracks, so when you’re ready to unlock Premium, your earned rewards will be waiting for you!