Guide: Zone Types and Flagging
Author: iancurtismayfield,
published 1 year ago,
[h3]Zones in Albion[/h3]
The world of Albion is made up of four different zone types – [b]blue, yellow, red, [/b]and [b]black[/b] – each with different PvP rules and consequent effects on your reputation. Losing fights in different zones has varying consequences, which we will explore below.
[h3]Flagging for Combat[/h3]
Flagging signals to other players that you are looking for a fight. In [b]yellow and red zones[/b], flagging allows a player to attack unflagged players. To be clear, a [b]flagged player[/b] can [b]always be attacked by anyone in yellow and red zones[/b]. This means both flagged and unflagged players can attack a flagged player. Flag at your own risk!
[b]Yellow[/b] and [b]red zones[/b] have different consequences for losing a fight, and possible rewards for winning.
In a yellow zone, a player who drops to zero HP can only be knocked down, not killed. If this happens to you, your equipped items lose 5% durability. A little bit of Silver will also drop next to your body. However, [b]no gold or silver[/b] is ever lost from your inventory - the Silver that drops on knockdown / death is generated by the system based on the value of your equipment that lost durability.
[b]Red zones[/b] are much less forgiving. When your HP is reduced to zero by a player in a red zone, you die. All your items drop on death, and you respawn with no equipment at either your pre-set [b]Home[/b], or your [b]last visited city[/b]. Some of the items you were carrying will trash, while others will lose durability but be lootable by whoever can pick them up.
The same death rules apply in [b]black zones[/b] (also known as the [b]Outlands[/b]). However, players do not need to be flagged in black zones - PvP is always turned on! You will be able to attack or be attacked by anyone not in your guild, alliance or party.
[h3]Consequences of Attacking Unflagged Players[/h3]
So, what’s stopping bandits from running wild in the Royal Zones? [b]Reputation[/b]. In short, flagged players who attack unflagged players lose reputation. Lose too much reputation, and you get kicked out of lower zone types, or out of the Royal Continent entirely until your reputation recovers!
[h3]How to Flag for PvP[/h3]
At the top left of the screen, to the right of your name, is a small blue shield. To flag, simply click on this shield.
Once you click this button, you must remain still for 15 seconds. During this time, you charge up a bar. When it’s full, you’re flagged! This lets other players around you know you’re flagging. Likewise, if a player near you is doing this, beware: they are preparing to attack!
[h3]Faction Warfare[/h3]
[b]Faction Warfare[/b] involves a special kind of flagging: [b]faction flagging[/b]. While faction flagged, you gain faction points for [b]gathering, killing creatures[/b], or [b]claiming outposts[/b]. These increased bonuses are offset by the fact that people flagged under a different city’s faction can attack you.
To faction-flag, you must find the Faction Enlistment Agent in any of the Royal Cities (Martlock, Lymhurst, Fort Sterling, Bridgewatch, Thetford, or Caerleon).
[h3]Zerg Markers[/h3]
Now that you know how to flag for combat, let’s talk about [b]zergs[/b]. Zergs are larger groups of players, ranging from 10 all the way to the hundreds! Zergs often roam the [b]Outlands[/b] and [b]Royal Continent [/b]hunting for players to fight.
Luckily, Albion Online has a useful system to mark Zergs on the minimap so you can see them coming. Red zerg markers start appearing on the map when 11 or more players travel closely together. In the Roads of Avalon, these zerg markers start appearing at 8 players. The more players there are traveling together, the larger the circle on the map!
[h3]Unrestricted PvP Subzones[/h3]
Some parts of the world, such as [b]Treasure Sites[/b], are [b]unrestricted PvP subzones[/b]. In these areas of the world, players who enter are automatically flagged for PvP and can freely fight anyone else in the subzone, unless they are currently flagged for the same Faction (Caerleon excluded). These areas are clearly marked by a glowing yellow circle on the ground. Cross the border at your own risk. Dropping to zero HP inside these areas due to PvP follows the zone rules:[b] knockdown in yellow zones, death in red zones[/b]. Fighting inside PvP subzones does not affect reputation, as all players inside the subzone are flagged.