Guide: Guild Seasons
Author: goth_diva,
published 1 year ago,
Being a member of a guild has many benefits, and collaboration is key in Albion Online. Joining a guild allows you to engage in [b]Guild Warfare[/b], find players for [b]group activities[/b], enjoy the safety of [b]Hideouts[/b] and [b]Territories[/b] as well as advancing and upgrading your [b]Conqueror’s Challenge[/b] more easily.
[h3]Guild Warfare[/h3]
During Guild Seasons, players can work with their guild to [b]conquer[/b] and [b]raid territories[/b], take over [b]castles[/b] and engage in various challenges in order to earn [b]Season Points[/b] that will benefit both the guild as a whole and its individual members.
[h3]Season Structure[/h3]
Each Guild Season lasts approximately [b]12 weeks[/b] and can be split into 3 segments of 4 weeks each, bookended by Invasion Days. During these, all territories become neutral and must be recaptured, with guilds needing to take down a Territory Guardian in order to claim a Territory Tower for themselves.
Outside of Invasion Days, territories can be raided, and have attacks declared on them, during their [b]prime time, [/b]which depends on their region. Prime time lasts for one hour, at the end of which a percentage of a territory’s Raw and Siphoned Energy is converted into Season Points.
The first two parts of the season award regular points, while territory Season Points are [b]doubled[/b] during the [b]final four weeks[/b].
[h3]Earning Season Points[/h3]
Season Points can be generated through many different types of content. Even a guild that doesn’t hold territories or isn’t focusing on PvP can rank high enough to declare their own Headquarters.
Holding territories as a guild is a great way to generate a lot of [b]Season Points[/b]. After capturing a territory on an Invasion Day or after a successful attack you can level it up using [b]Power Crystals[/b]. Higher level territories generate more points, while the quality of the region amplifies this effect.
If your guild is part of an [b]alliance[/b], Season Points gained from territories will be shared with them. 50% of all points go directly to your guild, while the remaining 50% are split amongst all other guilds inside the alliance, including your own.
Holding many territories as a guild or alliance also increases the [b]Control Cost[/b]. If this number exceeds 15, a [b]Siphoned Energy Drain[/b] is applied, and if it exceeds 25 all individual members face Fame and Silver penalties.
[b]Guild Might Levels[/b]
Guild Might Levels allow every guild member to contribute to the guild’s effort through different activities. Each level attained will directly earn the guild a certain amount of Season Points.
If you’re in a guild and you want to look up your guild’s progress, you can do so within the Guild UI.
[b]Guild Challenge[/b]
The Guild Challenge is an additional tool for players to contribute Season Points. You can level this up by acquiring [b]Challenge Points[/b]. These can be obtained by killing mobs, gathering, or fishing, and are identical to those used to progress in the Adventurer’s Challenge. Daily bonus points do not count towards the Guild Challenge.
[h3]Benefits for the guild[/h3]
Guilds can make a name for themselves by conquering and holding numerous objectives in the Outlands, while climbing up the [b]season rankings[/b]. This both increases their visibility for new members, and grants valuable rewards.
Controlling territories generates Siphoned Energy, which acts as a passive income for guilds. Guilds can use Silver to launch attacks on enemy territories, upgrade guild infrastructure, or give out regears or other benefits to their members. The more Season Points a guild attains, the better the location in which they can declare a [b]Headquarters Hideout[/b]. Headquarters Hideouts are a special form of Hideout that become invulnerable to enemy attacks as long as they receive enough power from Power Cores.
Here is an overview of how many Season Points you need to declare a Headquarters in different regions:
[list] [*]200,000: Quality 6 / Tier 8[/*] [*]120,000: Quality 5 / Tier 8[/*] [*]80,000: Quality 4 / Tier 8[/*] [*]40,000: Quality 3 / Tier 7[/*] [*]20,000: Quality 3 / Tier 6[/*] [*]10,000: Quality 1 / Tier 6[/*] [*]1,000: Roads of Avalon[/*][/list][h3]Benefits to Guild Members[/h3]
Players can get a number of rewards by actively participating in guild activities. If the guild owns Hideouts or territories they can use [b]Power Cores[/b] and [b]Power Crystals [/b]to level their Hideouts and territories respectively while gaining a significant amount of [b]Might[/b] for their personal [b]Conqueror’s Challenge,[/b] and earn [b]Favor[/b] to purchase additional items at the Energy Manipulator.
Owning territories and Hideouts as a guild also provides safety to your members. Here they can meet, store their equipment, or seek shelter from an enemy group. Leveling up a Hideout using Power Cores also increases the resource return rate of items crafted there, which is a great way for crafters to increase their profit margins.
Additionally, climbing the guild rankings will upgrade your personal [b]Conqueror’s Chest[/b] within the Conqueror’s Challenge.
When a territory generates siphoned energy, all guild members will also get a daily might bonus that they can claim in their Conqueror’s Challenge UI.
[h3]Personal Rewards[/h3]
You can also gain [b]Might [/b]and [b]Favor [/b]when actively playing and participating in guild activities. [b]Might[/b] is used to progress in the Conqueror’s Challenge, which can be viewed in the [b]Activities UI[/b]. Advancing your Conqueror’s Challenge will unlock a Small, Medium or Grand Conqueror’s Chest, each becoming more valuable. In addition, if your guild reaches a higher rank it will also upgrade the Conqueror’s Chest which expands and increases the rewards.
This can include battle mounts, temporary fame buffs, unique avatars and artifacts for Crystal Weapons.
You can also receive a [b]Grand Conqueror’s Chest[/b] every week for reaching 20,000 Might. If you don't attain this in a week, your progress will carry over to the next week.
Might is earned through activities in [b]lethal areas[/b], including guild objectives, PvE, Gathering, Hellgates, and more. Some Might is also gained when your guild levels up within a season bracket.
[b]Favor[/b] can be used at the Energy Manipulator to purchase various items like Tomes of Insight, Siphoned Energy or Avalonian Crests. Favor is gained from activities that award Might but don’t have direct loot associated with them, such as [b]Power Crystals[/b], [b]Power Cores,[/b] or some [b]PvE activities[/b]. In addition, you can earn Favor for every 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 Might earned every week.
Guilds play a central role in the world of Albion, so if you’re interested in joining one yourself you can use the Guild Finder to find one and begin your quest to conquer Albion!