It’s been a little over one and a half months since the full launch of [b]Albion East[/b], and that time has flown by! [url=][b]Player numbers in Albion[/b][/url] have soared, and show no sign of waning. With that in mind, we thought it would be interesting to take a fresh look at the stats for Albion East that we shared after the [url=][b]first 14 days[/b][/url] and put them together into a new handy infographic for you (click to expand): [url=//][img]//[/img][/url] As you can see, things are thriving on the new server, and in fact it’s only gotten busier [url=][b]since we last looked[/b][/url]! It’s fantastic to see such a committed community of players old and new populating this server and building it from the ground up. In the meantime, check out our latest [url=][b]Dev Talk[/b][/url] on the upcoming [b]Knightfall [/b]content patch for a taste of what’s coming to Albion next.