[url=https://albiononline.com/update/wild-blood][b]Wild Blood[/b][/url] is nearby, and you’ll be able to hunt some down for yourself when the update launches. In this Dev Talk, Game Director Robin Henkys looks at [b]Tracking[/b], a new feature where you pursue creatures across the open world. [previewyoutube=chbbRlKZ;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Finding Tracks[/h3] The tracks of rare creatures can be found in the [b]Outlands [/b]and in [b]Red Zones [/b]of the Royal Continent. To interact with these, players need a [b]Tracking Toolkit[/b]. These are craftable at the [b]Toolmaker[/b] and can be used by: [list] [*]Clicking on a track[/*] [*]Using from inventory [list] [*]This reveals nearby tracks on the map[/*] [*]Higher tier Tracking Toolkits reveal tracks in a wider area[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/1e21d6a1a934daafff4694d3e3554c7a0ccb2c43.jpeg[/img] There are [b]seven types of creature [/b]you can Track, each of which exists in [b]two sizes[/b]: [list] [*]A smaller one, for [b]up to three players[/b][/*] [*]A larger one, for [b]four-to-eight players[/b][/*][/list] If your party is too big or small the track, you won’t be able to follow it. The [b]first tracks [/b]that players can find are those of [b]Panthers[/b], [b]Sylvians[/b], and [b]Spirit Bears[/b]. Rarer creatures require higher-level tracking skills and higher-tier Tracking Kits. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/25528d01a80acfe776a07b89b58a569b314e42a6.jpeg[/img] [h3]On the Prowl[/h3] After a track is successfully read, the hunt begins: [list] [*]Players are [b]guided to an area[/b][/*] [*]Once you reach that area, you will have to [b]search for further tracks or the target itself[/b][/*] [*]Party members can collaborate to [b]read tracks more quickly[/b][/*] [*]Each completed step rewards [b]Tracking Fame [/b]to all party members, which boosts your Tracking skill[/*] [*]The chances of encountering the target at each step increases with: [list] [*]The [b]number of steps [/b]already completed[/*] [*]Your [b]Tracking skill[/b][/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [b][img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/54240209f9c29cd20bcce5a884f26875fdcbaa22.jpeg[/img][/b] When you encounter your target, a fight ensues. But the creature may flee if: [list] [*]Its [b]health [/b]falls too low[/*] [*]The fight lasts [b]too long[/b][/*] [*][b]Too many players [/b]attack[/*][/list] A target that flees will have to be tracked to its new location, but any damage it has taken remains. [h3]Spoils of the Hunt[/h3] A defeated creature can drop various new items which are used for the following: [list] [*][b]Rare Animal Remains[/b]: enchanting Potions[/*] [*][b]Rare Ingredients[/b]: crafting new Potions and Shapeshifter Weapons[/*] [*][b]Artifacts[/b]: crafting Artifact Shapeshifter Weapons[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/de3339c62adcd4e914172e55a148e33981cf6bce.jpeg[/img] These are the new Potions: [list] [*][b]Calming Potion[/b]: from Shadowpanther Claws, provides a PvE disengage[/*] [*][b]Cleansing Potion[/b]: from Sylvian Roots, cleanses damage over time, crowd control, and debuffs[/*] [*][b]Acid Potion[/b]: from Spirit Bear Paws, decreases resistances[/*] [*][b]Berserk Potion[/b]: from Werewolf Fangs, boosts damage but decreases your defense[/*] [*][b]Hellfire Potion[/b]: from Imp Horns, deals damage-over-time[/*] [*][b]Gathering Potion[/b]: from Runestone Golem Teeth, increases gathering speed[/*] [*][b]Tornado Potion[/b]: from Dawnbird Feathers, knocks enemies back[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/7a7aa94533cb34b00f78fe9225bc3f06dd3c3035.jpeg[/img] Rare Animal Remains can be reduced to [b]Arcane Extract[/b], to enchant Potions: [list] [*]Potions now have [b]three levels of enchantment[/b][/*] [*]The [b]amount of Remains [/b]required for each enchantment level [b]increases significantly[/b][/*][/list] When Wild Blood launches, there will be an [b]increased amount of tracks and creatures [/b]to allow players to hone their skills. But to keep the new items rare, the additional creatures will drop Silver and loot instead. After a time, these additional creatures will be removed, and those which remain will drop only the new items. [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/8926f28f7ce8f4a041f3232edf0facf3c6b492fa.jpeg[/img] We can’t wait to see players take part in this new economic activity, and start using these new items. You’ll also be able to use them to craft [b]Shapeshifter Weapons, [/b]of course, which will be the subject of our next Dev Talk. See you then!