Dev Talk: Shapeshifter Weapons
Author: iancurtismayfield,
published 1 year ago,
For those wondering what’s coming next for Albion Online, we’re excited to bring you a new Dev Talk - the first of a series showing off some new features we‘re currently working on and how they fit into our long-term plans. In the first of these videos, Game Director Robin Henkys introduces [b]Shapeshifter Weapons[/b], Albion’s next major weapon line.
Prefer a written summary? Then read on...
[h3]What are Shapeshifter Weapons?[/h3]
These are [b]staff weapons[/b] that will further expand Albion’s ‘you are what you wear’ system in exciting new ways:
[list] [*]Players can [b]transform into entirely different beings[/b] called [b]Shapes[/b][/*] [*]Offers a new level of versatility as players can [b]switch back and forth[/b] between human and Shape, with different capabilities[/*][/list]
[h3]How do they work?[/h3]
[b]Human Form[/b]
[list] [*]In human form, Shapeshifters are masters of [b]manipulating raw energy[/b][/*] [*]Inflicts damage, disrupts enemies or supports allies[/*] [*]While using energy they build up [b]“Shift” charges[/b][/*] [*]Shift charges can be used to transform into their weapon’s associated Shape[/*][/list]
[b]Shape Form[/b]
[list] [*]Each weapon comes with a unique Shape, with its own set of abilities[/*] [*]Abilities can be enhanced using previously collected Shift charges[/*] [*]Shapeshifters are encouraged to [b]continuously switch between forms[/b] to maximize their potential on the battlefield[/*] [*]As each Shape comes with unique health and armor stats which replace human stats, players can [b]play different roles[/b] during a fight[/*][/list]
[h3]Looking Ahead[/h3]
This system allows for a vast array of build possibilities, under two broad strategies:
[list] [*]Players can double down on their Shape’s strength by equipping matching gear when in human form…[/*] [*]…or they can choose equipment which suits a different playstyle to their Shape, e.g. letting them switch from damage dealer to tank and vice versa[/*][/list]
Shapeshifter Staffs will arrive with Albion’s next major content update. Beyond that, expanding and improving the ‘you are what you wear’ system is always a priority on our Roadmap.
Our next Dev Talk will explore an [b]all-new open-world activity[/b] that complements the Shapeshifter weapons. This activity will also introduce additional equipment choices and further enhance the range of options available for designing your builds.
Thanks for watching!