While Albion East has helped bring [url=https://albiononline.com/news/albion-player-record][b]record numbers of players[/b][/url] to the game, we’ve been hard at work on our next major patch, called [b]Knightfall[/b]. In this Dev Talk, [b]Game Director Robin Henkys [/b]takes a look at some of the features and improvements that will be introduced with this patch (subtitles are available for all supported languages): [previewyoutube=ZnVZAVE2-8s;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]The Mists: New Features[/h3] Three new gameplay features added to the [b]Mists[/b]: [list] [*][b]Caches[/b]: a new type of chest found in Mob Camps, with personal rewards for each player who completes the objective[/*] [*][b]Coffers[/b]: similar to open-world treasures, but only reveal their location to nearby players[/*] [*][b]Knightfall Abbey[/b]: a new type of dungeon within the Mists, which will be explored in a forthcoming Dev Talk[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/de3ee4ef8a0c329dcd48ae6d5199da040d6a85a2.jpeg[/img] [h3]Roads of Avalon: Changes and Improvements[/h3] Various changes made to the [b]Roads of Avalon[/b]: [list] [*][b]Elite Camps[/b]: Difficulty and rewards rebalanced for groups of 5-7[/*] [*][b]Journey Back cost[/b] from Brecilien to the Roads halved[/*] [*][b]More off-road paths[/b] added, as well as more roaming Mobs[/*] [*][b]New upgrade levels[/b] of Avalonian Mages and Archers[/*] [*]Hideouts can be declared a [b]Headquarters[/b] even without a booster[/*] [*][b]Power Cores [/b]in the Roads more concentrated on Raid regions[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/02f3a8a30f3013a876751de6a8a09fe33bd4aff0.jpeg[/img] [h3]New Items[/h3] A new trader, [b]Eralia Wayfarer[/b], can be found in Brecilien. Depending on your Brecilien Standing, you can purchase several items here: [list] [*]Ingredients for [b]Brecilien Capes[/b], with a Mists-inspired design and protective shield ability[/*] [*]Eggs to grow [b]Mystic Owls[/b] or [b]Elite Mystic Owls[/b]: [list] [*]Have reduced load capacity, but very high speed[/*] [*]Elite Mystic Owls have a [b]Glide[/b] ability, flying upwards and becoming temporarily unhittable[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]‘Wanderer in the Mists’[/b] Avatar and Avatar Ring for Mists veterans[/*][/list][img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/b0422ef0a6876b2b90630972e84662c778f9a3b0.jpeg[/img] At the Energy Manipulator you can now also buy ingredients for [b]Avalonian Capes[/b], which have a damage-debuffing energy explosion ability. [h3]Quality-of-Life Improvements[/h3] This patch also brings several big [b]Quality-of-Life improvements[/b]: [list] [*][b]‘Travel Mode’ [/b]display option: a partly-transparent Region Map overlaid on the screen[/*] [*]Items can be [b]repaired at the Marketplace[/b][/*] [*][b]Character gender [/b]can be changed for Gold[/*] [*]Directional movement can be bound to hotkeys (for example [b]WASD[/b])[/*] [*]…and much more[/*][/list] [url=//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/ea9e9ac1e70cccb1be1c6a7acf6db426ac81de05.jpeg][img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/ec9f19b18ec8ccde1d2d962e96fc45ea11996e94.jpeg[/img][/url] Along with all this, Knightfall comes with a significant number of combat balance adjustments to shake up the meta. The patch is now on the [url=https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/179827][b]test servers[/b][/url], and we look forward to receiving your feedback on these features. Join us again for another Dev Talk soon, where we’ll dive into the new Mists dungeon: [b]Knightfall Abbey[/b].