Following our recent introduction to the [url=][b]Island and Farming Rework[/b][/url] coming with the [url=][b]Wild Blood[/b][/url] update, Game Director Robin Henkys takes a closer look at a massive addition to Albion’s sandbox world: [b]Awakened Weapons[/b]. [previewyoutube=ghbzjoR3sZc;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Awakening Weapons[/h3] Weapons can be awakened: [list] [*]At the [b]Artifact Foundry[/b][/*] [*]If they are [b].4 enchanted[/b][/*] [*]At the cost of [b]Siphoned Energy[/b], [b]Avalonian Energy[/b], and [b]Silver[/b] [list] [*]The exact cost depends on the item’s tier[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] Once awakened, the weapon is [b]attuned[/b] to the player: [list] [*][b]Attunement Points[/b] are then earned when you earn PvE Fame[/*] [*]Weapons of Tier 6 or higher can only earn Attunement Points in [b]full-loot PvP zones[/b][/*][/list] [img]//[/img] [h3]Traits and Strain[/h3] When your weapon has enough Attunement Points, Traits can be added at the Artifact Foundry: [list] [*]You can choose [b]one of three randomly selected traits[/b] to add[/*] [*]You can [b]reroll[/b] this, though that will increase Strain on the item (more below)[/*] [*]Initial values added will be low, but can be increased later at the cost of further [b]Attunement Points[/b] [list] [*]This adds a random amount of power to a particular Trait[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Upgrading Traits increases the item’s [b]Legendary Rating[/b] [list] [*]As this increases, more Traits can be added[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [img]//[/img] Each action taken on a weapon increases its [b]Strain[/b]. As Strain increases, so does the cost of making further modifications. Therefore, players must consider which Traits to keep and the amount to upgrade them, as the cost in Silver and Attunement Points escalates rapidly. [h3]Benefits and Legacy[/h3] Players can customize their .4 weapons this way to add [b]strength and versatility[/b] to their builds, or create a [b]remarkably powerful weapon[/b] if they invest enough time and Silver. [img]//[/img] But they can also leave a lasting impact on Albion: [list] [*]As a weapon’s Legendary Rating increases, its [b]chances of being destroyed on death are reduced[/b][/*] [*]Therefore, it stands a greater chance of remaining in the game, with [b]a record of its creators and owners[/b][/*] [*]Players can then choose to add to its history themselves, or trade it - maybe even back to the original owner [list] [*]Awakened Weapons [b]cannot be traded on the Marketplace[/b], so this must be done personally[/*] [*]Traded items (but not looted items) must be [b]re-attuned[/b] to the new owner for their traits to work[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] While these weapons cannot be crafted, Focus Points can be used to [b]reduce the attunement costs[/b] of adding and upgrading traits. [img]//[/img] Awakened Weapons are a significant addition to Albion’s sandbox world, giving players new possibilities both in combat, and in leaving their mark on the game. Stay tuned for more Dev Talks on the Wild Blood update coming soon!