Dev Talk: Awakened and Legendary Items
Author: andreina.gennaro,
published 1 year ago,
Following our recent introductions to [url=][b]Shapeshifter[/b][/url] weapons and [url=][b]Tracking[/b][/url], our newest Dev Talk with Game Director Robin Henkys explores another exciting feature on its way to Albion: [b]Awakened [/b]and [b]Legendary Items[/b].
[h3]Goals[/h3][list] [*]Add one-of-a-kind items with their [b]own story [/b]to the game[/*] [*]These won’t be pre-designed, but [b]created by players[/b][/*] [*]These will be [b]very rare[/b], with each feeling like a significant piece of the world of Albion[/*][/list][h3]How does it work?[/h3]
Creating Legendary Items will be a [b]two-stage process[/b]:
[list] [*]First, an item will need to be [b]awakened[/b][/*] [*]Then, eventually, it can be made [b]legendary[/b][/*][/list]
[b]Awakened Items[/b]
[list] [*][b]Awakened Weapons [/b]will arrive with Albion’s next content update[/*] [*]A weapon must have [b]Pristine Enchantment [/b]before it can be awakened[/*] [*]Awakened weapons can earn [b]attunement points [/b]from PvE combat [list] [*]These can be used to roll for [b]additional or improved traits [/b]on the weapon[/*] [*]Such modifications add [b]strain [/b]to the weapon, increasing the cost of further changes[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Players can thus create weapons with [b]unique traits[/b], with the increasing cost of modifications encouraging a [b]variety of trait combinations[/b][/*][/list]
[b]Legendary Rating[/b]
[list] [*]As weapons gain more powerful traits, their [b]legendary rating [/b]increases[/*] [*]This also [b]increases the likelihood [/b]of it being lost or destroyed on death[/*] [*]Lost items can return to the game as loot, with their [b]creator’s name attached[/b][/*] [*]They can then be [b]further attuned[/b], with further players adding their name to its history[/*][/list]
A later content update will introduce the ability to upgrade items to legendary status. These will require extremely rare resources, but will be [b]uniquely powerful and renowned across Albion[/b].
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more on our upcoming update and further plans!