Changelog: Paths to Glory Patch 3
Author: Ekki Mukk,
published 4 months ago,
[h2]Paths to Glory Patch 3 - Version 26.030.1 - September 4, 2024[/h2]
[quote][i]This patch brings some combat balance changes, Destiny Board improvements, and bug fixes, along with Season 23 winner statues.[/i][/quote]
[h3]Season 23 Winner Statues[/h3]
Statues for Season 23 winners IFures, PLAC, and Sex and Flex have been unveiled in their respective servers’ Conqueror’s Hall. Congratulations once more to the triumphant guilds!
[b]Mob Changes[/b][list] [*]Sentry Mages no longer auto-regenerate health, but their maximum health has been increased: [list] [*]Max health: 61,458 → 68,287[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Destiny Board[/b][list] [*]Improved Destiny Board camera stability when zoomed out[/*] [*]Improved number readability and reduced overall glare[/*][/list]
[h3]Combat Balance Changes[/h3]
[b]Bows[/b][list] [*]Explosive Arrows (all Bows) [list] [*]Damage: 21.45 → 23[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Lucent Hawk (Mistpiercer) [list] [*]Damage per arrow: 170 → 178[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Crossbows[/b][list] [*]Auto Fire (all Crossbows) [list] [*]Damage per tick: 30 → 32[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Cursed Staffs[/b][list] [*]Cataclysm (Damnation Staff) [list] [*]Cast time: 2.5s → 2s[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Daggers[/b][list] [*]Assassin Spirit (all Daggers) [list] [*]Charge interval: 2.5s → 2s[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Holy Staffs[/b][list] [*]Celestial Sphere (Redemption Staff) [list] [*]Bounces: 10 → 8[/*] [*]Area of Effect: 0 → 4m[/*] [*]Heal: 85 → 77[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Divine Protection (Divine Staff) [list] [*]AoE Heal: [list] [*]No longer triggers automatically when the shield expires[/*] [*]Instead, the spell can be manually reactivated to detonate the shield and trigger the AoE heal[/*] [*]Affected Allies: 5 → 10[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Nature Staffs[/b][list] [*]Cleanse Heal (all Nature Staffs) [list] [*]Heal value - 0 Charges: 55 → 65[/*] [*]Heal value - 1 Charge: 70 → 80[/*] [*]Heal value - 2 Charges: 90 → 105[/*] [*]Heal value - 3 Charges: 120 → 135[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Shapeshifter Staffs[/b][list] [*]Piercing Light (Lightcaller) [list] [*]Light Spark explosion damage: 92 → 83[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Unstable Projectile (all Shapeshifter Staffs) [list] [*]Energy cost: 7 → 4[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Spears[/b][list] [*]Razor’s Edge (Rift Glaive) [list] [*]Range: 20m → 17m[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]War Gloves[/b][list] [*]Create Opening (all War Gloves) [list] [*]Damage: 60 → 72[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Fleet Footwork (all War Gloves) [list] [*]Damage: 64 → 78[/*] [*]Bonus auto-attack damage: 100% → 150%[/*] [*]Resistances now increase by 20% while dashing[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Armors[/b][list] [*]Levitate (Cultist Robe) [list] [*]Resistances while channeling: 50% → 40%[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Battle Mounts[/b][list] [*]Poison Cloud (Venom Basilisk) [list] [*]Damage reduction: 25% → 20%[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Intoxicating Breath (Venom Basilisk) [list] [*]Defense reduction: 50% → 33%[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Artillery Fire (Behemoth) [list] [*]DoT duration: 18s → 14s[/*] [*]Damage per tick: 0.8% → 1% (total damage unchanged)[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Other[/b][list] [*]Force Field (all Cloth Helmets) [list] [*]Auto-attacks no longer resume after casting[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Albion Journal fixes[/b][list] [*]Fixed issue where missions to deliver Weakened Wisps in Greater Mists would not count those delivered by party members[/*] [*]Fixed issue where the mission ‘Defeat Faction Champions’ would not count party member kills for the Champion of Martlock[/*] [*]Fixed issue where enchanted resources would not count towards resource refining missions[/*] [*]Removed extinct mobs from the ‘Skin all Hide Animals’ mission[/*] [*]Fixed issue where 'Open open-world Treasure Chests' missions could be completed in the Mists[/*] [*]Fixed issue where ‘Kill players in Static Dungeons’ missions would count kills in the Caerleon Passageway[/*] [*]Fixed issue where consuming Tomes of Insight or Fishes would incorrectly progress Journal missions related to gaining Fame[/*] [*]Fixed issue where some Journal missions that had their conditions changed would no longer progress or register as completed[/*] [*]Fixed issue where some Dryad Guardians in certain biomes did not count towards ‘Harvest resources from Ancient Resource Mobs’ missions[/*][/list]
[b]Spell fixes[/b][list] [*]Limitbreaker (Infinity Blade): fixed issue where the second attack would deal less damage than intended[/*] [*]Triple Kick (War Gloves): fixed issue where players with immunity to Forced Movement effects could be pulled[/*] [*]Harpoon (all Spears): fixed issue with targets not reliably being hit at max range[/*] [*]Fixed tooltips for Deathward Climax (Boltcasters), Separator (all Quarterstaffs), Lucent Hawk (Mistpiercer), and Premonition (Boots of Valor)[/*] [*]Fixed issue where some tooltips displayed incorrect defense reduction stats[/*][/list]
[b]UI fixes[/b][list] [*]Fixed issue where the enchantment level for potions could not be selected when creating a Buy Order through the Marketplace[/*] [*][MOBILE] Improved active state behavior of party, quest and journal HUD elements [list] [*]Fixed issue where the active selection would change when changing regions[/*] [/list] [/*][/list]
[b]Other fixes[/b][list] [*]Fixed issue where the Embalmed Tiger skin could not be traded on the Marketplace after its non-tradable period expired[/*] [*]Fixed issue where players would not encounter the intended Roaming Mobs when Tracking in the Roads of Avalon[/*] [*]Fixed rare issue where players could lose all buffs if disconnected while changing regions[/*] [*]Fixed issue where players could be dismounted after collecting Silver with auto-pickup enabled[/*] [*]Various additional graphical, animation, terrain, audio, UI, and localization fixes[/*][/list]