Changelog: Foundations Patch #5
Author: Ekki Mukk,
published 6 months ago,
[h2]Foundations Patch 5 - Version 25.050.1 - July 1, 2024[/h2][h3]ZvZ Performance[/h3]
This patch includes various tweaks and fixes to address some ZvZ performance issues before the end of the current Guild Season.
[h3]Fixes[/h3][list] [*]Fixed issue where short hostile dismount cooldown was sometimes incorrectly applied in solo Mists, instead of long hostile dismount cooldown[/*] [*]Fixed issue where Conqueror's Challenge guild membership counter in the Guild Season UI could include time not spent in a guild[/*] [*]Fixed issue where reconnecting with spells on cooldown would cause their cooldown timers not to display[/*] [*]Fixed issue where, when trying to exit Knightfall Abbey while channeling a spell, clicking ‘Yes’ on the notification popup would not work[/*] [*][MACOS] Fixed issue where the game would freeze after switching between windows or toggling fullscreen[/*][/list]