[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/4b2d7db5e51a846fd51c99eeb213b52bf7bfe5df.png[/img] Welcome to another of our [b]Basic Builds[/b] guides for beginner-to-intermediate players. [h3]Characteristics[/h3] This build features the [b]Great Fire staff[/b], a magic staff with large area-of-effect spells, great burst damage, and additional damage-over-time effects. [h3]Equipment and Skills Used[/h3] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/e1a38aa4115b623ae8383707395eb5b63254c571.png[/img] [b]Adept’s Great Fire Staff[/b] [list] [*]Burning Field [list] [*]Your Q fires an orb onto the ground, dealing direct damage and further damage over time.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Flame Blast [list] [*]Your Q ignites an enemy which ends in an explosion after a short time.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Flame Pillar [list] [*]Your main ability creates a flame pillar that damages enemies in a wide area. Hitting at least one enemy will further reduce the spell’s cooldown.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Scholar Cowl[/b] [list] [*]Energy Shield [list] [*]Your Cowl has a defensive spell that decreases your damage taken while recovering energy for every hit taken.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Cleric Robe[/b] [list] [*]Everlasting Spirit [list] [*]The robe's active ability offers a shield upon taking damage that makes you invulnerable and increases your damage by 20% for 3 seconds[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Soldier Boots[/b] [list] [*]Wanderlust [list] [*]Your shoes’ active ability is a charge-up movement skill that lets you escape from fights or chase down targets[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Bag: [/b]Increases carry weight capacity [b]Adept’s Cape: [/b]Increases Energy and passive Energy Regeneration [b]Minor Poison Potion: [/b]Inflicts damage-over-time effect on targets and decreases their resistances for its duration [b]Catfish: [/b]Buff food that greatly increases Health Regeneration outside of combat, getting you back to full health quickly after clearing mobs [b]Journeyman’s Riding Horse: [/b]Brings you swiftly across the map while adding more carrying capacity [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/232b78a50e6b7c0154b851e3ca20cec4dcb46874.png[/img] [h3]Pros and Cons[/h3] [b]Pros:[/b] [list] [*]Fast clear speed[/*] [*]Large area of effect spells[/*] [*]Good for small PvE groups[/*] [*]Good for small-scale PvP[/*] [*]Affordable[/*][/list][b]Cons:[/b] [list] [*]No additional mobility besides Boots spell[/*] [*]Long stand and cast times[/*] [*]Not suited to large-scale fights[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/23addec23c8311893100d1c228c80e6619164a27.png[/img] [h3]Playstyle[/h3][list] [*]Your Q-spell creates a field of fire which deals damage instantly and every 0.5 seconds to enemies within it - try to keep enemies inside it as long as possible.[/*] [*]Due to its relatively high cooldown, you have a lot of time to kite enemies and apply additional auto attacks which, paired with your passive “Burn”, deal substantial damage.[/*] [*]Your W-ability ignites enemies and puts a bomb on them. After 1.6 seconds it explodes and deals damage in a 5m radius. Try to place it on mobs that are near each other so they all take damage.[/*] [*]Your E-spell is best as an opener, as it allows you to hit enemies while they’re standing still. It has a relatively short cooldown which is further reduced when hitting at least one enemy. Use this spell as frequently as possible to maximize damage output.[/*] [*]When you’re low on Energy or need extra Energy, use your Cowl ability. For every hit taken you replenish some Energy while generally decreasing the damage you take.[/*] [*]The Robe's strong defensive skill can be used to avoid damage. As long as you take damage in the 1.5 second window after activation, you receive an invulnerability shield making you immune to damage while increasing your damage output by 20% for 3 seconds.[/*] [*]Your boots make up for your lack of mobility. They have a charge-up ability that offers escape from fights. While this allows you to cover large distances, it has a 1-minute cooldown.[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/d03f45507931107091faf885be4394494eea4ea3.png[/img] That's it for this week - stay tuned for more Basic Builds guides coming soon!