[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/5b23cb7818aec9e13401a81d45e595ca260f5267.jpeg[/img] Welcome to another of our [b]Basic Builds[/b] guides for beginner-to-intermediate players. Each guide presents a suggested build and describes how its abilities work in tandem. You can try these out as-is, or use them as a starting point to create new builds of your own. [h3]Characteristics[/h3] This build showcases the regular bow. This hunter weapon has enchanted arrows that empower your auto attacks and allow you to take down strong individual mobs with ease. Here’s the full breakdown! [h3]Equipment and Skills Used[/h3] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/dac718276a59e25f978a2ddbf9d31461a7a3159c.jpeg[/img] [b]Adept’s Bow[/b] [list] [*]Multishot [list] [*]An AoE ability that knocks back and damages enemies in a cone in front of you.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Ray of Light [list] [*]Your W-ability shoots an arrow into the air that lands after a small delay, rooting and damaging all enemies hit.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Enchanted Quiver [list] [*]The main ability enchants your next 6 basic attacks, increasing your attack speed and damage. It can be recast within 8 seconds to perform a short dash and add another 4 enchanted arrows to your quiver, though you can never have more than 6 enchanted arrows active at one time.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Mage Cowl[/b] [list] [*]Firebreath [list] [*]Your Cowl has an offensive spell that briefly ignites enemies in a small cone in front of you[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Mercenary Jacket[/b] [list] [*]Bloodlust [list] [*]This jacket's active ability allows you to regain some health every time you auto-attack or cast a damage spell[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Mercenary Shoes[/b] [list] [*]Refreshing Sprint [list] [*]Your shoes allow you to track down targets while lowering your cooldowns, they can also be used to run away from a fight.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Bag: [/b]Increases carry weight capacity [b]Adept’s Cape: [/b]Increases Energy and passive Energy Regeneration [b]Minor Poison Potion: [/b]Inflicts damage-over-time effect on targets and decreases their resistances for its duration [b]Catfish: [/b]Buff food that greatly increases Health Regeneration outside of combat, getting you back to full health quickly after clearing mobs [b]Journeyman’s Riding Horse: [/b]Brings you swiftly across the map while adding more carrying capacity [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/e5afbab1de14873dc72f9ed1175eb4fe849bdad1.jpeg[/img] [h3]Pros and Cons[/h3] [b]Pros:[/b] [list] [*]Very effective against single enemies and bosses[/*] [*]Various smaller crowd control abilities[/*] [*]Dash ability to dodge attacks[/*] [*]Affordable[/*][/list][b]Cons:[/b] [list] [*]Weak against packs of mobs.[/*] [*]High standtime and cast time[/*] [*]Not useful in large-scale fights[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/c0cb6008a2d9f54b5772a54bac25c68650fe6a12.jpeg[/img] [h3]Playstyle[/h3][list] [*]Your Q-ability shoots a volley of arrows in a cone ahead of you. Besides dealing damage it also knocks back any enemies hit. This can be used to create distance or to interrupt enemy spells. It has a low cooldown so can be used for frequent damage.[/*] [*]Your W is a small-area crowd control ability that temporarily roots enemies. It can be used as an opener to keep melee enemies away. [list] [*]It can be swapped to Frost Shot for greater mobility at the expense of some damage and crowd control.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Your E-ability gives you 6 enchanted arrows which will empower your next basic attacks, dealing more damage. This is useful against strong enemies that are alone. [list] [*]This ability can also be recast within 8 seconds to perform a short dash and add another 4 enchanted arrows to your quiver. This is good at creating distance or dodging enemy spells. Not using it will shorten the ability’s cooldown.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]The cowl has an additional damage spell that allows you to take down groups of enemies more quickly.[/*] [*]The jacket can be used to regain health. It is best used in combination with your enchanted arrows. Your Q- and W-abilities also trigger Lifesteal, so they can be used as a supplement.[/*] [*]Your shoes can be used to close a gap or to get away from the enemy. Refreshing Sprint also lowers your cooldowns, allowing you to use your abilities more frequently.[/*] [*]An enemy encounter should look something like this: [list] [*]Use your E to activate the enchanted arrows.[/*] [*]Cast your W to keep the enemy or enemies away from you.[/*] [*]Start auto attacking the target you want to take down first.[/*] [*]Use your Q for additional damage or to interrupt enemy abilities.[/*] [*]Recast your E if you need to dodge a spell or need the bonus damage from the enchanted arrows.[/*] [*]Use your jacket when dropping below 60% health, ideally in combination with your enchanted arrows.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]If energy becomes an issue, it’s recommended to use the energetic passive which will continuously replenish your energy whenever you use a basic attack.[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/842ab1858120e53a77194c5c00493be5c6b768ed.jpeg[/img] That's it for this week - stay tuned for more Basic Builds guides coming soon!