[img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/f82f39be80c31ef3ed97aa2decc68d5d6077e96e.jpeg[/img] Welcome to another of our [b]Basic Builds[/b] guides for beginner-to-intermediate players. Each guide presents a suggested build and describes how its abilities work in tandem. You can try these out as-is, or use them as a starting point to create new builds of your own. [h3]Characteristics[/h3] This build showcases the Battle Bracers, a warrior weapon with high mobility, damage and short crowd control abilities. Here’s the full breakdown! [h3]Equipment and Skills Used[/h3] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/0f445d91c05f7071ddddeb4ce97fe44cb7543062.jpeg[/img] [b]Adept’s Battle Bracers[/b] [list] [*]Dragon Leap [list] [*]A short-range combo that allows you to dash and deal damage in a small radius. Can be activated a second time to briefly throw enemies into the air.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Triple Kick [list] [*]A slow dash through enemies, dealing damage up to three times.[/*] [/list][/*] [*]Falcon Smash [list] [*]You levitate, becoming immune to crowd control. With the second cast you dive to a targeted area, dealing damage in a 6m radius.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Mage Cowl[/b] [list] [*]Firebreath [list] [*]Your Cowl has an offensive spell that briefly ignites enemies in a small cone in front of you[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Mercenary Jacket[/b] [list] [*]Bloodlust [list] [*]This jacket's active ability allows you to regain some health every time you auto-attack or cast a damage spell[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Soldier Boots[/b] [list] [*]Rejuvenating Sprint [list] [*]Your shoes’ active ability is a sprint that also heals you slightly[/*] [/list] [/*][/list][b]Adept’s Bag: [/b]Increases carry weight capacity [b]Adept’s Cape: [/b]Increases Energy and passive Energy Regeneration [b]Minor Poison Potion: [/b]Inflicts damage-over-time effect on targets and decreases their resistances for its duration [b]Beef Stew:[/b] Increases your damage [b]Journeyman’s Riding Horse: [/b]Brings you swiftly across the map while adding more carrying capacity [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/a81a174b65ccd61460f25ff4e86cf0f2e5098b2a.jpeg[/img] [h3]Pros and Cons[/h3] [b]Pros:[/b] [list] [*]Lots of mobility, allowing you to dodge spells or escape a fight[/*] [*]Many small-scale crowd control abilities[/*] [*]Viable build for 1v1 and dueling[/*] [*]Affordable[/*][/list][b]Cons:[/b] [list] [*]Average clear speed[/*] [*]Requires practice[/*] [*]Not suited to large scale fights[/*][/list][img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/4bb4a01afdbeff4cc98b20a4eda7989f96b126a4.jpeg[/img] [h3]Playstyle[/h3][list] [*]Your Q-ability is a two-part combo where you dash in a targeted direction, dealing damage. Using the ability again will perform another dash, knocking enemies into the air while putting the spell on a 7-second cooldown, while not doing so will let you reuse the first part after 2 seconds. To maximize damage output, only use the first part; the second part is better for interrupting or finishing off a target.[/*] [*]The W-ability is another dash that has three damage instances. It lets you pass through a group of targets and deal damage nearby. so you can deal the full amount of damage to your targets. If you hit a player, they will be dragged with you. To maximize damage, aim near your current location, dealing damage in a concentrated area. Aiming further away will let you travel further but spread the damage.[/*] [*]Your main ability is a two-part combo. First, you levitate, becoming immune to crowd control. Then you can recast to dive towards a targeted area, dealing damage across a wide area. This is a good opener, as you can hit a group of enemies while they’re idle.[/*] [*]Your auto-attacks can further boost your damage. The first passive “Fatal Fury” increases your damage for every auto-attack. Since gloves have a high attack speed you can fit a few attacks between your abilities to elevate your damage output.[/*] [*]The cowl has an additional damage spell to quickly take down groups.[/*] [*]The jacket can regain health. It’s best used in combination with your weapon abilities if they can hit multiple targets, or when auto-attacking an enemy for a few seconds.[/*] [*]Your boots have a sprint ability that can regain a small amount of health quickly while providing increased speed.[/*] [*]An encounter should look something like this: [list] [*]Use your E to levitate, then recast to dive towards the target(s).[/*] [*]Use the first part of your Q to deal damage.[/*] [*]Use your W to apply additional damage.[/*] [*]Alternate between using your first Q and auto attacks.[/*] [*]Use your jacket when below 60% health, ideally in combination with area spells against groups or auto attacks against single enemies.[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]If energy becomes an issue, try switching to Cloth Sandals for Energetic Sprint.[/*][/list] [img]//assets.albiononline.com/uploads/media/default/media/be0cf0f1219315be61c4872863acb9d252ff48fd.jpeg[/img] That's it for this week - stay tuned for more Basic Builds guides coming soon!