Hello there! We’re working on polishing the demo so you can try Alaskan yourselves! We’re now testing the cars AI and traffic. We know you’ve asked about other vehicles on the road before, and we do have them! Soon you’ll see more about it. Actually, at this stage, we might have gone a little overboard because now we have New York rush hours in our Alaska. But no worries, it’s intentional for testing purposes. It’s also fun and we’ll be happy to share a video. The good news is that the AI is working really well even when we crank up the traffic to 11! And we have another piece of news. Our friends over at Movie Games are preparing for the release of the [b]official game adaptation for the legendary Discovery show, MythBusters[/b]. Did you watch Adam and Jamie busting myths on Discovery Science? Some of the experiments were totally crazy, like the one when they tried to make a rocket car or did the Bond car flip in the “James Bond Special”. [previewyoutube=-JfizK_6VQk;full][/previewyoutube] [b]MythBusters: The Game is coming to Steam on 8 June 2022[/b], wishlist it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/811550/MythBusters_The_Game__Crazy_Experiments_Simulator/ And while you’re waiting, we recommend you play the [b]FREE prologue[/b], MythBusters: The First Experiment, which Movie Games has just made available to everyone! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1897130/MythBusters_The_First_Experiment/ [previewyoutube=P0vbJDBv748;full][/previewyoutube] Give it a try! See you later, Truckers!