Truckers! We had a big day last Tuesday! For the first time, we showed Alaskan, PLAYABLE, at a live event in our home country of Poland. We had this cool stand with a huge screen and a wheel, and anyone could just hop in and play. [img][/img] By the way: STEERING WHEEL SUPPORT CONFIRMED ;) [img][/img] This was HUGE for us because this was the first time that we put our hard work on a display like this, all open and ready to play. Of course, this wasn’t the full map yet, but large enough that you couldn’t even see it all in a single sitting. And we limited the gameplay to max 30 minutes so more people could play. [previewyoutube=qunToEgq_j4;full][/previewyoutube] We’re happy to say that the players LIKED IT A LOT. They really dig the driving physics and the fact that you can do all sorts of things inside the truck, that the dashboard is interactive. This is a huge step towards letting everyone get a taste of a trucker’s life. We’ve made huge progress over the last year, especially considering that our game has many things quite unique to the genre, like the ability to get out of the truck or interact with the world around you. We’re excited, and we hope so are you. If you are, please wishlist our game, since this is what makes it visible to others. For an indie studio like ours, especially on a project this ambitious, wishlists are very important. Thanks, and see you on the road!