Hello, Truckers! Some time ago we’ve started sharing with you on our social media recommendations of films taking place in or featuring Alaska. Some of these recs come from our community. Here’s the first batch of recs summed up. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/f58d193378b1b3f79cbf6b3934038f97f018f254.jpg[/img] The first thing to recommend was quite obvious. [b]Into the Wild[/b] is a classic film about a real person, Christopher McCandless, who hiked across Alaska. A gorgeous film full of emotions which will certainly put you into the Alaskan mood. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/b221cf1ff2cf1bae632bf226587f23f6e85541e5.jpg[/img] Another rec by a community member is [b]Big Miracle[/b], a 2012 drama film, based on Tom Rose's 1989 book Freeing the Whales. The plot tells the story of Operation Breakthrough, an international effort to rescue grey whales trapped in ice near Point Barrow in 1988. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/05be28676eecb833bad42ddb08b96333804d105f.jpg[/img] If you want to see the wild face of Alaska, try [b]Grizzly Man[/b], a documentary about Timothy Treadwell, who dedicated his life to grizzly bears. For 13 years he visited the Katmai National Park, featured throughout the movie. Be warned though: it’s a sad story. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/8354071abdf3601c43235f39b4365ee488c658ef.jpg[/img] The last rec from the first batch is a bit different from the rest, as it is a 1995 animated film. [b]Balto[/b], half-wolf and half-husky, gets a chance to become a hero when an outbreak of diphtheria threatens the children of Nome. The animation is based on real events of the winter of 1925, where two huskies Togo and then Balto led the sled dog team to deliver the cure to Nome. If you want to see more film (or book) recommendations, follow us on our social media pages: [url=https://mov.gs/atsfb]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/MovieGamesSA]Twitter[/url] What films or books about Alaska would you like to recommend to other Truckers?