Hello, Truckers! You might have noticed our three-week-long break in posting. Due to Russia’s unprovoked act of aggression towards Ukraine, out of respect to the victims, we’ve decided to temporarily cease our communications. We stand for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, who are now bravely and tirelessly defending their country against the invader. In the meantime, we have stopped all sales in Russia and Belarus. We wholeheartedly support peace. To show the support for Ukraine, our publisher donated 1 000 000 copies of games for Humble Bundle’s Charity Bundle for Ukraine, and our teammates individually engaged in different kinds of help. If you can afford it, we do encourage you to check it out [url=https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle]here[/url]. However, a break in posting doesn’t mean a break in working. We have a new logo now! To be completely honest, that change was long due. When we first created our logo, we wanted to fit in with other games from the genre. However, right now we feel that Alaskan Truck Simulator is a strong title on its own. We feel that it is our game, and so we made a new logo that suits us and the game we are making. And we love it! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/224645165f50a19cda3ec652719c406184233a77.png[/img] We can also now announce that we will show a brand new game trailer on Future Games Show. Watch the event on March 24! What’s more, we’re actively polishing and improving the game. We’re creating more skins so that you can customise your truck paintwork as much as you want. We’ve also made a new biome! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/dc89e354c80e5e32c6e4a96fb7d1c13410f9f997.png[/img] We’re now returning to regular posting, so more content and more news coming soon! Stay safe and stay strong, Truckers.