Hi, Truckers! We thought it’s time to let you know what’s been going on in our studio. At this point of development, we’re adding to the well-established foundation of the game and we’re polishing it. Let’s take a look behind the shoulders of one of our developers, Greg! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/3f10cc43a38eb6a9b1a2ff933b6b2a7384133185.jpg[/img] He’s now working on optimising the graphics, so our sim runs good on different hardware configurations. In the case of this particular photo, Greg is setting the cull distance for the trees. It’s Alaska, so you have to see quite a number of them. But which, how many and where? It’s a matter of balancing that’s light on the GPU but maintains the illusion of being in a densely forested area. It can be tricky, and it takes time, but we have our best people on the case. :)