Hi, Truckers! We've read all your comments about our [b]Gamescom presentation[/b], posted here and in other places. You've had some interesting remarks and asked good questions, and we're happy to answer! Let’s start with what we feel is the most important for our oldest fans. We've seen that you've been wondering what's been going on with the development and with our studio. We did have a pause in our communication with you, and you are rightfully curious about it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/310c918185fe23d2c212cdff3abc01550c1f01c5.jpg[/img] So here's the deal. Some of you know this, but ATS was started by a small team of simulation game maniacs.[b] We wanted to make the game we’ve always wanted to play.[/b] We were super passionate about it and we had super talented people, but it was just a handful of us nonetheless. At the same time, the concept behind ATS grew, also because we heard your feedback and wanted to include it. We can openly say that the game we first envisioned isn't the game that we have today. It's so much richer now. [b]You have your base, dynamic weather across all seasons, CB radio reacting to the situation on the road, tons of facts about Alaska, real places to see etc. etc.[/b] We'll be talking about it in the posts to come. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/4fe43858624edc75db8b833c12b3c0c120df767a.png[/img] Anyway, we knew we couldn't continue as a tiny team if we wanted to follow this direction. So we shut up and rolled up our sleeves. [b]We expanded our team.[/b] We enrolled new programmers, visual designers, a 2D graphics specialist, a UI designer, a sound designer, and so on. Some of our old guard went their separate ways, but we've finally assembled a tight, specialized team of the right size for the project, with a passion for the subject matter. [b]We’ve focused on polishing the mechanics because this is what makes ATS stand out.[/b] You play as a trucker, not as a truck. You're not glued to your seat. You have a world around you that you interact with. You have a life. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/8751cf4a6568f114bacbb1b323a94956d8564a0a.jpg[/img] But let’s not delve into this just yet. This is long enough already, and we want to present the game to you properly. Thanks for reading! If you want to support us in a free and simple way, add ATS to your Steam Wishlist. Consider following us or join our Discord to keep up to date. See you next time!