[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/1ac8a98bc293a1be10dc132962202cb938fd30d6.png[/img] Hello truckers! Today, we take a different route and present you with an exclusive interview featuring [b]Michał Puczyński, the CEO of Road Studio[/b] and one of the masterminds behind the captivating world of Alaskan Road Truckers! Michał is a seasoned game developer, and with his expertise, he has delved into various game projects, among them the enthralling [b]Alaskan Road Truckers[/b] and [b]American Motorcycle Simulator[/b]. Passionate about crafting games that balance challenge and reward, Michał has poured his heart and soul into making the Alaskan Road Truckers experience truly exceptional. [b]In this interview, we will be delving into the realm of a crucial element of the Alaskan Road Truckers gameplay: base upgrades[/b]. We'll explore the diverse array of upgrades available within the game, learn how players unlock different buildings, and uncover the multitude of benefits they offer. Buckle up, fellow truckers, as we embark on this journey to discover the secrets behind Alaskan Road Truckers'! [h2][b]THE ART OF BASE BUILDING[/b][/h2] [h3][i]INTERVIEW WITH MICHAŁ PUCZYŃSKI - CEO OF ROAD STUDIO[/i][/h3] [i][h3]What’s the stage of the Alaskan Road Truckers' development right now?[/h3] [/i] [b]We’re in Beta![/b] This means that everything we wanted to produce for the release day is already there. Now we need to tweak it, make sure it’s all placed where it should, add a layer of polish - and we’ll be ready to release it. Mind that it’s not that easy as it sounds. A friend of mine once said that the final 10% is 90% of the work. But so far we’re doing well and it’s all coming together. [i][h3]What was the idea behind introducing the base building system in Alaskan Road Truckers?[/h3][/i] It’s the place you can call home. You need one in a game that takes place in a large open world. Somewhere to come back to, to feel safe and sound in etc. And to make it feel not just cozy, but also earned, and truly yours, we added the base development options. You can add parking spaces, facilities, upgrade them, and we are considering adding some method of internal decoration in the future. I mean, when you have a world this big, you can endlessly add stuff to it, right? And while we need to have some kind of goal, a line where we say: okay, that’s enough to release it - we have tons and tons of ideas for what we can add next. We surely want to keep the game grow, so the base might get even bigger than it already is. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/0eeca1199f18a4a84b27bd026b616f8e5e2cf139.png[/img] [i][h3]What are the different types of base upgrades available in the game?[/h3][/i] You can upgrade pretty much every type of facility, for example - your customization workshop. I’m not sure if I should spoil everything now. I’d like you to discover this stuff yourself. [i][h3]How do players unlock base upgrades?[/h3][/i] Okay, so this takes some work. First of all, you need to do some jobs to earn XP. With new levels in three different skill types, you earn points that you can use to unlock perks. Some perks let you build or upgrade your base’s facilities. But having these perks is not enough. You need to afford the upgrades! You can take a loan (which you’ll need to pay off), or you can simply earn by doing jobs. Then, when you’re ready, just sit at your in-game PC, launch the truck management app, and upgrade your base from there. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/727635f0970c604d4cfca1bc96aaed0edd175e5a.png[/img] [i][h3]What are the benefits of upgrading the player's base?[/h3][/i] Not spoiling that just yet! Let’s just say that they are all connected to your truck(s), their look, their behavior in different conditions, or their shape. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/acb2ff635a4efee805aa2741fb8ded7afe12d369.png[/img] [i][h3]How do the different buildings at the base interact with each other?[/h3][/i] First of all, there are dependencies. Some buildings or upgrades require having other buildings or upgrades. The progression is quite logical. By analogy, you wouldn’t build a roof without having walls first, right? The connective tissue between the buildings, however, is your truck. Or trucks. This game revolves around you and your trucks. Your base already gives you a place to take care of your personal needs, and you can upgrade it with buildings that improve your trucking. [i][h3]What are some of the challenges involved in designing and balancing base upgrades in Alaskan Road Truckers?[/h3][/i] That’s a great question. First of all, you want the player to feel rewarded by upgrading the base, but not necessarily forced to do it at once. There has to be sense of progress, and it has to come quickly enough to not tire you, but late enough so you can appreciate what you already have and long for what you don’t. Secondly, all of the upgrades need to have meaning. They need to introduce something useful, something that expands your experience. And finally, they need to be easy to use, but also organically implemented into the world. We want you to be able to lift your truck to inspect the chassis, but we also want you to do it instinctively. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/24492ffc4484c6b481a57dead6149d7f5edee6bc.png[/img] [i][h3]What upgrades would you recommend doing first?[/h3][/i] The beauty of the game is the freedom that you have, so what I choose isn’t universally the best. But I like to choose the workshop first. It makes repairing your truck cheaper than using workshops in towns. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/4f05d422d0d0366af23df5f103e27e85b98eb8d0.png[/img] [i][h3]How do base upgrades affect the player's ability to customize their truck?[/h3][/i] Well! Should I tell you everything? I guess I can say something about that. We have lots of skins, decals, paint jobs, and parts that you can put on your truck. Not all of them are immediately available though. I think that’s enough information for now. Discover it yourself! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/af6f7a4e0c2978dc59a12d0d0f5feec021b6434d.png[/img] [i][h3]What are your plans for base upgrades in the future?[/h3][/i] I wouldn’t like to commit to anything right now because we have plans for future content, and we’re already working on this, but the selection of base upgrades isn’t 100% certain just yet. I’d personally go with decorations because I like to customize stuff in games. But maybe you could tell me what you’d like to see? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/fa3c33a09364e90be9cdc1133eae5f5e7d990993.png[/img] [h2][b]STAY IN TOUCH[/b][/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/ Stay tuned for future updates as we forge ahead on the roads of Alaska. Until then, buckle up, keep those engines roaring, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime! 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