[b]This playtest has now finished - thank you to everyone who has taken part![/b] Hello truckers! Alaskan Road Truckers is nearing launch, every day we’re getting closer to the [b]18th of October[/b] when we’ll be sending our trucker game out into the wild and you’ll be starting your diesel-fuelled adventure. But you don’t have to wait until then to play Alaskan Road Truckers. We’ve been running closed playtests on our Discord channel and now we’re ready to invite everyone! [h2][b]Open Playtests[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/9b47a8f07c97408b31c7f516e2a1135073d958dc.png[/img] We’re running open playtests! Between [b]08:00 UTC / 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST / 04:00 EDT / 01:00 PDT / 16:00 CST on Saturday the 7th of October[/b] until [b]08:00 UTC / 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST / 04:00 EDT / 01:00 PDT / 16:00 CST on Monday the 9th of October[/b], you’ll be able to download and play the beta playtest version of Alaskan Road Truckers. You will be able to play for a maximum of [b]three hours[/b], but you can choose when you want to play during the above hours. Signing up is incredibly simple: [list] [*] Go to our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/]Alaskan Road Truckers Steam store page[/url] [*] Press the green button to request access [*] Open Steam to download the Alaskan Road Truckers playtest [*] Once that’s finished - play! [/list][b]Note[/b]: If you are outside of the playtest hours above, you will not be able to see the button to sign up for the playtest. Please wait until the playtest begins to sign up and download. That’s all you need to do to get trucking. But as a playtester, we’d love to hear from you. Remember that this is a beta playtest, we are still working on the game and will be right up to (and after) release. So if you encounter [b]bugs, technical issues, gameplay issues[/b], or just have [b]suggestions and feedback[/b] for us - please let us know. We’re working round the clock to fix issues and make Alaskan Road Truckers ready for release, and your feedback is essential to that. As we mentioned in a previous devlog, we’re a small indie development team which means we need as much help as possible with testing, playing, and letting us know what you think! Give us your feedback on our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/849100/discussions/]Steam Discussion Forum[/url] to make sure you get heard. We’ll be checking constantly throughout the playtest and your feedback will make all the difference in making our game a success. Also - if you’re a streamer or content creator, please feel free to stream or record your experience. There are [b]no embargos, NDAs, or anything else[/b]. Share our game with your communities - we’re looking forward to seeing what you create! Thank you to everyone who takes part and who tells us what you think. Don’t forget to tell your friends to join in - we need as many people as possible trying our playtest to get as much essential feedback as possible. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say and we’re incredibly excited to get you all behind the wheel. [h2][b]Stay in Touch[/b][/h2] If you want to help us make Alaskan Road Truckers a success, the best way you can help (other than playing the playtest, telling other people to play the playtest, and giving us your feedback) is to wishlist us on Steam - so head over to our store page and mash that wishlist button! https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/ Join our Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4]https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4[/url] Like us on Facebook: [url=https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers]https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers[/url] Follow us on Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim]https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim[/url] Follow us on Instagram: [url=https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/]https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/[/url] Follow us on TikTok: [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.truckers]https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.trucker[/url]