Hello truckers! We’ve had a busy time since the launch of Alaskan Road Truckers. With nine patches for our game since launch (and more incoming!) we thought it’d be a great time to talk to you all about what our plans are for Alaskan Road Truckers and how we’ll be supporting the game into the future. [h2][b]Alaskan Road Truckers - The Goal[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/cb631457c1b7fd7f26dad8553e923ed818fbfce9.png[/img] We want to make the best trucker game ever made, where you live, breathe, and survive as a trucker in one of the most punishing environments on the planet. That’s been our goal since day one and it still is today. It’s fair to say that we haven’t hit that goal yet. Alaskan Road Truckers is a game we’re incredibly proud of, but we know it still needs work. Technical issues, bugs, and quality of life issues have overshadowed the wonderful experience we’ve put in the core of Alaskan Road Truckers, and we recognize that this has caused disappointment for some. We want you to know that we hear you. We know that for some players the issues affecting Alaskan Road Truckers has meant they have been unable to enjoy the game, and this is why we have been introducing rapid fixes to help those players get in the game and start trucking. Every patch has improved the game, with the core experience now being more accessible, key bugs are fixed, and for most the game should be more playable. Of course, we have lots of work still to do, and there are key areas we will be focusing on as we continue to support Alaskan Road Truckers through the rest of 2023 - and beyond. [h2][b]Post-Release Patch Plan[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/048e9f55317915b4243d4cd12c6c34f9b849a609.png[/img] As mentioned above, we have been working on rapid patches for the most pressing issues. Now, we’re moving into a separate phase of our support plan, where we’ll be reducing the amount of patches we release and focusing on larger updates which will resolve more issues, to provide a more stable Alaskan Road Truckers experience. The issues we’re working on are bigger issues, ones that will take more time to resolve, and for a small team this means we’ll have to slow down a little bit to make sure we get these patches done right. The areas we’re focusing on at the moment are: [list][*]AI Tweaks and Improvements [*]Optimization and Performance Enhancements [*]Controller / Steering Wheel Improvements[/list]These are large things for us to tackle but we are making a commitment to get these issues ironed out and make sure that Alaskan Road Truckers is brought up to a technical level we are happy with. We cannot say that these will be fixed in one patch, or even two, but incremental improvements will be made and we are putting our focus on resolving these key areas sooner rather than later. This, of course, doesn’t mean we are neglecting other bug reports and issues reported to us. As we continue to update and patch our game, we’ll be fixing other issues alongside working on the bigger things, you’ll be able to see what we’re fixing in each set of patch notes. In addition to the above, we are working to get the console version of the game for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S complete and ready for release as soon as possible. We will have news to share about this very soon. We will also be adhering to our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/849100/view/5779865497754063927]content roadmap[/url]. So while we will be working on these issues, we will also be producing content and updates that will expand and deepen the core Alaskan Road Truckers experience. Look out for more news on these updates soon! [h2][b]Update Testing[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/da4a6138313b37a9cd3e1bab3b0b24e4d87877eb.png[/img] One of the points we’ve made continuously throughout development of Alaskan Road Truckers is that we haven’t made this game alone. Now the game is out in the world; this is still true. Your bug reports, issue reports, reviews, and technical reports have helped us to laser focus our work on the things that really matter to the people who matter - you. That’s why we’re asking for your help again, this time in helping us test upcoming updates. If you’re interested in helping us test updates, please [url=https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4]head over to our Discord server[/url] where you can find details of how to opt in to the beta branch of the game as well as where you can post any issues you encounter. We made the decision to run this initiative using our Discord server as a central hub as it allows us to monitor + track issues, and respond to feedback in real-time, helping us to better work on any issues that may crop up. Thank you to everyone who takes part in this - we do test our own patches, but we are a small team so more hands on the testing wheel means more stable patches. We’ve got a long road ahead of us and we hope you’ll continue to join us on it. See you out there, truckers! [h2][b]Stay in Touch[/b][/h2] Buy Alaskan Road Truckers on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/ Join our Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4]https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4[/url] Like us on Facebook: [url=https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers]https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers[/url] Follow us on Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim]https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim[/url] Follow us on Instagram: [url=https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/]https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/[/url] Follow us on TikTok: [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.truckers]https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.trucker[/url] Check out the Alaskan Road Truckers wiki: [url=https://alaskanroadtruckers.wiki.gg/wiki/Alaskan_Road_Truckers_Wiki]https://alaskanroadtruckers.wiki.gg/wiki/Alaskan_Road_Truckers_Wiki[/url]