[h3][h2]Well well well![/h2] See what game just got its Kickstarter launch! It’s MythBusters: The Game, which is as awesome as it sounds. [previewyoutube=X_zMiKBilJc;full][/previewyoutube] It’s being developed by Byte Barrel, the biggest nerds we’ve met (there’s always someone wearing a NASA t-shirt, I think it’s their dress code). They let us play it, and it’s sweet! Give it a shot. You can even get the demo! We totally recommend it. [url=https://mov.gs/mbks]See MythBusters: The Game Kickstarter[/url] Also, if you don’t want to miss any news, add it to your wishlist:[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/811550/MythBusters_The_Game__Crazy_Experiments_Simulator/