Heya! Some time ago we asked you on our social media to describe your imaginary trucker. We were quite surprised to discover a lot of similarities in your descriptions! One description in particular has charmed us and so we decided to bring this image to life… And so here he is! Meet Jeff the Trucker! Holidays are getting closer, too, so Jeff is in a cheery mood. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/a78dae1c4bbded2f2f036e8193510d078704be1d.png[/img] Jeff’s best friend is his truck (he calls her Betsy) and takes very good care of her. He might look intimidating but he gives great hugs. And he has a real sweet tooth – he just loves to cook himself up a mug of hot chocolate during his breaks. Jeff loves Holidays. Sometimes, when he has more free time between jobs, he throws on a red suit and a hat, and visits kids in hospitals or orphanages in the towns he happens to be staying in. Somehow Jeff has access to unlimited supply of cookies and milk and might or might not have some connections with Nick up North. Jeff gets tight-lipped when asked and just smiles mysteriously. https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Truck_Simulator/